
Saturday 10 October 2020

Nap Campaign: Map Moves 30th March 1808

 The situation by nightfall on 30th March 1808:

Now for a closer look at each sector:

Continued -

Turning first to the South West we see the result of the recent ambush of the Swiss infantry top right. The Swiss have pulled back to France with the Guerrillas hot on their heels.

Grey '1' is what is left of Morillo's Spanish force. He is still reluctant to admit defeat and rejoin the allies in Portugal. A small French force (blue '10') has occupied the Spanish capital and is strong enough to deter Morillo from regaining his territory.

Marshall Soult commanding the French Army of the South (blue '5') has moved into Portugal with the intention of defeating Wellington (red '10') before he can be further reinforced. He receives word of a Spanish regular force approaching from the north (grey 3) but has determined that Wellington is his priority at present.

For his part, Wellington has fallen back in the face of Soult's advance. It is a race against time with significant British reinforcements at sea and on their way (red N11 and brown - Portuguese ships N2). 

In the north east, Napoleon (blue 1) seeks to capitalise on his resounding victory at Grissburg advancing deeper into Prussia. The speed of his advance though has placed his forces at risk of being surrounded and his supply lines cut. Blucher (green '2') is content to draw Napoleon further into Prussia before turning on him.

Over in the north west, Grouchy commanding the French army of the west (blue '7') continues pursuing the defeated allies north. The allies are fast running out of time and land! The British expeditionary force is still assembling (red 3) and by no means ready to fully deploy. Their commander, General Hill, takes the decision to move out and link up with the allied army. It is his intention to form a defensive line along the rivers and marshes to the east of the British disembarkation port. If they can buy time more reinforcements will arrive and hopefully put them in a position where they are able to counter-attack.

To the bottom left of the map is the scene of the next battle. Chasse will lead his Dutch/Belgians in what may prove to be a last stand against D'Erlon in the Battle of Tourane.



  1. Really nice to see this campaign back on the table and I'm looking forward to the next AAR.

  2. Hi Jon -
    It's always great to see this campaign ongoing. Looking forward to the next action.

    1. Hi Ion. Hope to get the game up on the board soon.
      All the best

  3. The French have had the early edge, but their positions seem to be becoming more precarious by the day!

    1. The overwhelming success Napoleon experienced at Grissburg should have signalled the end of effective Prussian resistance. Not so confident now!

  4. Just great to have you back and running Jon.


