
Monday 1 June 2020

On the Workbench: WW2 Soviet Infantry

Almost ready for basing are a bunch of 6mm WW2 Soviet infantry by 2D6 Wargaming:

These are all for the project "Reconnaissance in Strength" and will make up the bulk of the infantry.

During rebasing my N.Africa figures, it reminds me how far 6mm or 1/300 or 1/285 (whichever you prefer) have come. Some of my figures are old H&R and have very little detail. 


  1. The old H&R moderns I had had minimal detail on them, which made it hard to tell what each figure carried as a weapon etc. The new ranges, as showcased by yourself, have come on leaps and bounds, which sure as hell makes painting them easier.

    1. I agree Steve. I am just about to try and improve some old H&R German m/cyclists which I had painted up as Bersaglieri. The detail is so basic you could paint them up as anything!

  2. 6mm has indeed come a long way Jon! It’s a pity that figures from different suppliers do not always match scale-wise.

    1. I too find it very frustrating that with a limited number of suppliers more commonality of scales could not have been achieved. Especially for WW2 which is such an enormous task to produce a comprehensive range. I think H&R missed an opportunity when re-sculpting their models. The new figures are superb, are a match with 2D6 and being slighly larger than their old range puts them in the 1/285 bracket. And yet they retained the 1/300 scaling for their vehicles! No doubt there was a reason for it, possibly allowing for existing gamers to expand or replace their collection with like-for-like, but frustrating nevertheless.

  3. Cool stuff, Jon, I hadn't seen the 2D6 infantry yet. You've certainly got a great style that really pops, I really like the look.

