
Sunday 3 May 2020

The New Wargames Room.

Well it was touch and go whether I would have any wargaming space and I had almost resigned myself to purely painting figures with perhaps the odd game on the dining room table.

The only potential room in our new house for wargaming we had earmarked for storage. However, it became apparent that we there was insufficient room to empty the storage unit we had previously hired. We therefore decided it would make more sense to empty the house of surplus furniture and appliances filling the storage unit instead. 

So now I have a wargames room:

There is enough space to give me pretty much the same size boards as before so all my projects are good to go. First up will be the continuation of my Napleonic campaign with the 2nd battle of Brandenlea.  


  1. Harmony is restored! :-)

    Hope you get up and running soon.

    1. Thanks Norm. Suffering from withdrawal symptoms so board is now set for next game.

  2. Congratulations! EVERY house should have a dedicated wargaming space!

    1. Absolutely. Wife just does not understand that a wargames room is more important then bedrooms, kitchens, living rooms etc.

    2. My wife accepts but perhaps doesn't fully understand. With each house move over the last 40 years, the dedicated wargaming space grows larger.

    3. Sounds good to me. I must admit this is the largest room I have had so far and miles better than the draughty cold garage I have been consigned to in the past!

  3. Great news for you but complete and utter envy from me;)! Now that you have the space I'm really looking forward to more of your great AAR's etc.

    1. Thanks Steve. I am setting the first game on my board so should have something up soon.

  4. Thats great news Jon, have really been enjoying your blog, and look forward to some more AARs now. They inspired me to get my old 6mm Napoleonics out again after 30 years, in storage and finish off the Spanish and Portuguese which have been lingering in the lead pile all that time. The upside of lockdown!
    I'm hoping to get some games in in the next week or so. The mrs has even said she'll play, but I'm not sure she fully realises what she is getting herself into.

    1. That's great to hear Jerry. One of the reasons for me doing the blog was to showcase 6mm demonstrating what can be achieved even with my limited capabilities. Spookily enough my Spanish are about to grace the table in the next battle of the Napoleonic campaign. You never know with your Mrs, she may yet enjoy it. Or at least she may help with the figure painting!

  5. Great news indeed Jon. The use of a dedicated wargames room is always a great benefit especially in keeping games set-up to be fought to their ultimate conclusion.

    1. Thanks Carlo. Totally agree with your comment.

  6. And I am following with interest your pleasant metamorphoses. I wish you to continue to delight us with their amazing reporting!

  7. That's a lot better than my dingy garage!

    1. I know the feeling Jim. A garage has been home to my wargaming up until around 7 years ago. I have forewarned the Mrs that if I am ever consigned to a garage again in the future it has to be a full conversion job!

  8. Welcome to your new home & Congratulations!
    Your games room looks as neat & orderly as I would have imagined.
    Best wishes,

    1. Many thanks Jeremy. Will not stay like that for long!
      All the best

  9. Congratulations; a house without dedicated wargames space would be a non starter; the basement is the usual location in the US, and when we bought our house 30+ years ago, one of the places we looked at was immediately disqualified by the lack of same!

    1. My sentiments exactly. Unfortunately basements are rare over here so if no room in the house then garage conversions are high up on my list, preferably double garages! Another alternative, although not cheap, is a purpose built shed fully insulated with heating provided garden is big enough. For what will be our last house purchase one of these options will be an absolute requirement.

  10. Neat, organised, and spacious. What more could a gamer want?
