
Wednesday 22 April 2020

On the Workbench: WOTR & WW2

Well having unpacked and got all the furniture in about the right place I have been able to turn my attention once again to wargaming.

A home has been found for my painting desk and now there is no small matter of wargaming space! And on that score things are looking up! A room we had allocated for storage should be surprisingly empty. It will hopefully give me enough space to carry on from where I left off although my Waterloo sized game would be unlikely.

So having the painting desk installed I made some inroads into my lead pile:

Clockwise from top left: the last of my Baccus Wars of the Roses figures primed for the next battle in the Kingmaker campaign; primed H&R SS infantry; prep'd for priming 2D6 WW2 Soviets; very nearly finished WOTR archers; and 8th Army figures in various stages of rebasing to thinner bases.

It could be a week or two yet before I get anything on the tabletop but will hopefully be a continuation of one of my existing projects.

During my down-time I have been perusing some of my WW2 scnenario books - primarily designed for Rapid Fire rules but easily converted to Blitzkrieg Commander IV. One particular action caught my eye set in Normandy 1944. The road system on the scenario map matched the style of the roads on my terrain boards. They have been designed more for larger scales and are slightly sunken into the board. I have intended for some time to do something with these, basically raising the road to ground level and making it more suitable for 6mm. I would use it primarily for WW2 with a tarmacked  or similar surface. I will probably add this game to my 'to do' list which will give me the impetus to do something with this presently redundant terrain.

With regard to the blog, I hope now to provide more regular updates now that the house move is complete, helped of course by the lockdown! 


  1. Congratulations on completing the move Jon! Good to hear your gaming will soon be up and running once again.

    1. Many thanks Mike. Yep, looking forward to getting a game up soon.

  2. Great to see you have moved in and now have your own painting and hopefully gaming space. Looking forward to more updates soon.

  3. Good to see the premier 6mm blog up and running again.....

    Catch up soon

    Regards Peter

    1. Many thanks Peter. Itching to get going. Far too long without a game!
      All the best
