
Saturday 28 March 2020

Figure Review: New WW2 Soviet Naval Infantry by 2D6 Wargaming

2D6 Wargaming have kindly sent me samples their new WW2 Soviet Naval Infantry to review. At the time of writing this they are available for pre-order and will be released imminently.

The above from left to right: R110 Command Strip; R111 Signals; R112 Riflemen 

 L to R: R113 SMG's; R114 LMG Team; R116 82mm Mortar with crew

L to R: R117 120mm Mortar with crew; R118 PTRD Anti-Tank Rifle Teams.

Continued - 

As with their previous Soviet infantry figures, these are very nice indeed. They are crisply detailed with only the bare minimum clean-up required. The figures are well proportioned with some nice poses. There was virtually no flash and little or no mould lines on most figures. The photos above were taken before preparation with only the figure code tags removed. 

These are sturdy little chaps and will withstand plenty of handling. They are compatible in size with the new excellent Heroics & Ros figures and match them in quality. More information can be found on the 2D6 Wargaming website and there is also a link on the right. At 50p per strip they represent good value and with the flexibility of only ordering what you need.

I was intrigued as to how they would look painted up and here are the results. An opportunity to paint something other than drab colours for WW2: 

So would I recommend them? Definitely! Great for adding a little colour to your Soviet forces and more variety to your Orbats.


  1. They really are very well detailed for 6mm and you've done a great paint job on them Jon. Having naval uniforms does brighten up the wargames table, which is always nice to see.

    1. Many thanks for that Steve. Yes does make a nice change.

  2. Good morning Jon
    How are you getting on with the new basing? That blue acrylic you have used is really great what shade is it?

    Regards Peter

    1. Hi Peter,
      Definitely a good move going to 0.5mm plasticard. Thanks for the tip and now rebasing all my WW2. Other periods will retain their artist card bases. The blue is Vallejo 950 blue highlighted with 809 Royal Blue.
      All the best

    2. They look really nice and I've just ordered a few from Rob. A quick question though, you mentioned Vallejo 950 Blue - did you mean 950 Black or maybe 925 Blue?


    3. My apologies Gary. Must have had a senior moment! Yes it is 925 blue.

  3. Hi Jon

    Hope you managed to move with all the restrictions going on. And it is great you are back as in these sort of situations your blog is a breathe of fresh air to many of us.

    Regards Peter

    1. Thanks Peter. Unfortunately my house move has been caught up with this. Was due to move a week tomorrow but currently waiting for more info from the Solicitor. Looks like we will be on hold! That means wargaming in limbo although I can carry on painting. If it looks like a long delay then boards will be back out!
