
Friday 3 January 2020

ECW The Battle of Glastonbury - Part 1: Introduction

This scenario is taken from English Civil War Campaign Scenarios - The 1643 Campaign for the South-West.

This battle was a rearguard action by heavily outnumbered Parliamentary forces falling back on Wells. They were involved in holding off the advancing Royalists giving their baggage train time to retreat to safety.

This action occurred on 12th June 1643 and the map shows the starting positions. The Parliamentary baggage train has already left the table on the road to Wells.

The battle will be fought using 6mm figures by Baccus on a 3'9" x 3' board. Forlorn Hope rules to be used.


 Continued - 

I doubled the number of figures from the original scenario which had been designed for 28mm or 15mm figures. Hence the rather odd ratio of 1:7.5. To achieve the correct ratio of Muskets to Pikes some of the regiments are either over or under the number of figures required with my basing system. Appropriate adjustments are made when casualties are sustained. e.g. Popham's regiment of foot will lose 12 casualties before the first base of 6 figures is removed. 

I also had to make slight adjustments to the number of turns specified in the scenario to allow for the difference in ground scale.

So Parliamentarian foot must retire after 8 turns, their horse and dragoons may retire after 16 turns, and Royalists must exit at least 3 horse units along the road towards Wells within 20 turns for victory. These units are assumed to have caught the baggage train.


Crop fields half movement and cause disorder. Stream is treated the same as a hedgerow for crossing penalty and disorder. Drainage ditches only affect horse units which are disordered when crossing. 

Many hedgerows in the west country were (and still are) more substantial incorporating a small earth bank. Therefore, any troops behind hedgerows are treated as behind hard cover. Orchards are treated as light woods.

From behind Parliament lines looking towards Royalists.

Royalist army with Godolphin's tercio nearest to the camera.

Royalists right flank.

Overview of Royalist position.

Parliamentary position looking towards Fiennes' and Code's cavalry regiments.

The thin Roundhead line spread out along the hedgerows. Strode's yellowcoats in the centre.

Hungerford's dragoons ready to pour fire on any Royalists attempting to charge the main Parliamentary position.

Popham's dragoons protect the Roundhead left flank.
Next - The opening moves.


  1. As always Jon a cracking looking table and figures, which shows of 6mm gaming to perfection. Really looking forward to seeing how the opening moves go.

  2. You really put together a superb looking table, Jon!

  3. Outstanding visual display, Jon! Looking forward to the battle.

  4. Lovely set up and thanks for taking the trouble to provide details so that anyone ie. me can also refight the battle. Well done.

    1. Many thanks for that and pleased it is of help to you.

  5. As usual Jon looking forward to the battle report .



    1. There has been a delay but the next part should be up in the next couple of days.
      All the best
