
Sunday 24 November 2019

Figure Review: New WW2 Russian Infantry from 2D6 Wargaming

Robert Fellows of 2D6 Wargaming has kindly provided me with samples of his new 1/285 scale Russian infantry due for imminent release. As readers of the blog will know, I am seriously impressed by the new Panther tanks produced by this company so looked forward to getting my hands on their new infantry range.

Before I launch into the review I should mention that I have added new label "Figure Reviews" where you will find this, my previous reviews of 2D6 Wargaming's Panthers, and any future reviews.

I have broken this review down into 2 parts. Part 1 is the review of the figures with Part 2 being how they compare for size and quality of other figure producers.

Part 1:

From left to right top row:
R11 Soviet Riflemen
R02 Soviet Signals 
R01 Soviet Command (Officers and a 37mm mortar)
Bottom row:
R20 Soviet Sub-machine gun PPSH41
R30 Soviet Light machinegun DP28
R44 Soviet 82mm Mortar and crew

Continued -

Top row:
R47 Soviet 120mm Mortar and crew
R50 Soviet AT Rifle
R54 Soviet Bazooka
Bottom row:
R57 Soviet Panzerfaust
R92 Soviet Flamethrower
R100 Soviet Innertube Kommando

Overall I am impressed by these new figures by 2D6. They have clean and crisp detail with kit such as webbing clearly defined. There was no flash to deal with although a few figures did have minor mould lines but these could easily be removed. I particularly liked the figure poses with a few stand-outs. The figures actively loading mortars and the two figures carrying an anti-tank rifle between them are unusual in this scale which I found appealing. 

Even more unusual are the Innertube Kommandos. I am not an expert in the Russian Army and needed Robert to clarify what they were. These are 4 riflemen using a rubber tyre innertube as a flotation device and if you have not guessed already, they are waterline versions. Again detailing is excellent and I can foresee all manner of fun scenarios where they could be used.

Anatomically they are well proportioned, weapons are instantly recognisable as what they are supposed to be, and importantly for me, the helmets look the correct Russian shape. Some of the figures I own in this scale could be wearing anything with just an indiscernible round shape representing a helmet.   

Finally I would mention the quality of the metal used. These are sturdy figures and should stand up to a considerable amount of handling.

The above 4 strips are from the existing Soviet women infantry.
From left to right:
Female sniper
Female medic
Female signals
Female 82mm mortar

These figures are listed on the 2D6 Wargaming website (link on the right hand column) complete with more clear photos than I have been able to take. That said, it is very difficult to determine how good a 6mm figure is when displayed unpainted in a photo. I was not sure of these when I first saw their images, they looked to me a little 'basic'. Having now seen them in the flesh I can confirm they do look better in the raw. Detailing is just as good as the latest Russians although there is flash on a couple of the figures. The base of the medic strip is a little on the thick side but not a major issue. This is a little nitpicking as these will again prove to be a useful addition to any inventory and they are great looking little lasses.

From their scenics range are two wooden road blocks on the left and two concrete/steel roadblocks on the right. The wooden roadblocks can be configured open or closed. The concrete/steel version are one open and one closed. 

There is little to be said about these other than as with the figures, detailing is crisp with no flash and minimal mould lines. I have to applaud 2D6 for producing figures and scenics that no others do which for us wargamers can only be good news. More shiny things to buy!

Part 2:

For comparison with other figure manufacturers I have lined up the Soviet Riflemen with other figures in my collection. Unfortunately I have no other Russians to compare with but will give you an idea of scaling and quality. 

Here from left to right: Old H&R Germans; 2D6 Russians; New H&R Brit Paras; GHQ Italians; Adler Italians; Baccus Brit Paras.

Measurements from top of base to top of head:
Old H&R - 6mm (fractionally under)
2D6 - 6mm
New H&R - 6.5mm
GHQ - 7mm
Adler - 7mm
Baccus - 8mm

A closer look (apologise for some of the photos being a little out of focus but hopefully you will get the idea).

2D6 v Old H&R. The 2D6 figures are a little bulkier but what is not shown in the photo is detail which is very much better on the Russians. 

2D6 v new H&R. The size comparison is a little deceptive as the H&R are stockier with the Para smocks giving the impression they are much larger. The new H&R SS troops are more comparable in girth and hence look more similar in size. In terms of quality there is little to choose between them. In fact I would say that the new H&R are the most comparable in size and quality with the new 2D6 figures.

2D6 v GHQ. GHQ are taller but thinner and very bendy! It would probably not be advisable to mix on the same base but should be ok on the same tabletop. 

2D6 v Adler. Adler are clearly bigger and personally it would be unlikely that I would mix them together. Not only for size reasons but those heads really would look out of place next to figures with more normal sized craniums. 

2D6 v Baccus. For me the size difference is simply too big to entertain the possibility of mixing them. As readers of the blog will know, Baccus is my go-to company for all other periods. For WW2 though the choice of going for something that is in the realms of 1/230th scale rules me out when you have H&R and now 2D6 turning out such high quality figures.

In terms of pricing, the female Russians are currently priced at 50p per strip and assuming the new Russians will be similar, this places them broadly in line with the new H&R figures. Very reasonable with the ability to order only what you need.

To sum up, I decided to go with the new H&R figures some time ago being impressed with their figures in particular. With 2D6 now producing matching quality and size in figures (not to mention the outstanding armoured vehicles) I have no hesitation in adding them to my collection nor recommending them to anybody else. 

It is great to see 2D6 expanding their range giving us gamers more options in the 6mm world. There is however, just one more process to go through. I have decided to paint up several strips (riflemen, SMG's, AT Rifle strip, 82mm mortar + a couple of female snipers) which will provide the ultimate test and enable them hopefully to be seen at their best. I aim to have these completed in the next few days and before they go on sale which will be 1st December at the latest. You will see the results!


  1. Hi Jon These look nicely detailed for those into that period and as you say to be congratulated for taking the decision to mould them.



    1. Hi Peter. Yes it is good to see another manufacturer expanding its range of 6mm offerings. Can only be good for the hobby.

  2. Thanks, Jon. I was seriously unimpressed with the photos of the female snipers on the 2D6 site so good to hear they are better in the flesh. The new Russians look very good and I will buy them. The 2D6 vehicles are top class and I just wish they could expand the range a bit faster!

    1. I agree about speed of release but as I know little about the process of design to moulding figures I am loathe to complain. I am sure it is a big undertaking especially WW2. I am still waiting for H&R to release their late war Heer Infantry along with the Brits and US so that I can crack on with several projects. I commenced painting the Russians today and as I suspected, they paint up well.

    2. I would love to expand the range as fast as possible. Its all about sales. If things sell, I have more funds to make more minis. Simple as that. Theres 3 free-lancers and a casting company and they all work for money. Thanks to all who have made purchases, they all add up!

    3. Thanks for that info Rob. Important points there that I and probably many others had not considered. The Russian front was always on my to-do list but kept getting put back. Having just finished painting up the figures today ready for basing it has fired me up! They look great and now actively looking at a starter scenario to play. So you may well be receiving an order from me fairly soon.

    4. Jon, I completely understand Rob's position and my comments about release schedule were not meant in any way as a criticism of 2D6. In fact it's a compliment to the quality of their products: I'd like to wait and buy their stuff but I do have time constraints; simple as that.

    5. I did not take it as criticsm Kevin so no worries. In an ideal world our hobby would be of such a size that it could support Rob and others to rapidly expand their ranges. Unfortunately our preference for 6mm forms a small part of a relatively small hobby. I am now looking for a suitable Russian front scenario to begin a Russian collection. I will purchase from Rob what I need and when painted up I will then switch to other projects to continue until figures are available to complete the Russian one. Hopefully that makes sense! I am doing that with some of my other WW2 projects which supports manufacturers and keeps me with plenty to do.

    6. Hi Jon I have no interest in this part of our history at present but I hope Rob is successful as the more content available the merrier and a benefit to the hobby.

    7. Thanks for that Peter. It is always a balancing act as I frequently have to row myself back from starting too many projects. I knew it was going to happen though. As soon as I had painted those Russians it would suck me in. And it has!

    8. Oh dear, a healthy bank balance is obviously required then if you add the Germans although you might already have these?


    9. Nope. Germans have to be added. I have Fallschirmjager and SS but waiting for bog standard inf to be released by either H&R or 2D6. So yes more hits on the bank balance!

      Jon, a resource I use for East Front scenarios is the Panzer Grenadier Headquarters site. There are hundreds of scenarios listed relating to various games in the PG series but they can easily be played with miniatures: I use them only for the maps and OOB. Scroll down for example to Eastern Front, click on any scenario in the list and then click Display Order of battle and everything is there. They also contains useful brief overviews of how the actual battle went.

    11. Many thanks for that link Kevin. Impressed by the number of scenarios and bookmarked the site for future ref.

  3. Some very nice poses and detial on these minis and interesting to see them next to other manufacturers. Look forward to seeing the painted samples.

    1. As I mentioned to Kevin above, I started painting some of them today and there really is little to choose between 2D6 and the new H&R. Hopefully I should have them on the blog before the weekend. Real life intruding again!

  4. I just ordered a good selection of the Russians. Well, pre-ordered actually I think.

    1. They are planning to release by the end of the week or 1st December latest. So you should get them soon.

    2. Thanks for a detailed review. I will keep an eye on this company.

    3. Thanks Whiskers. Yes definitely worth following the progress of 2D6 on the evidence of quality produced so far.

  5. Thanks for the review, very helpful, and I agree with your observation, very nice looking!


  6. Jon, your comment regarding the Innertube Kommandos resonated as I quite often find myself unsure of what certain details are meant to be. I once filed off a "lump" on several German tanks before realising it was part of the model. Recently I was mystified by a detail on a figure in the WOSS artillery crew; it may be the bow of a sash, a flask or some unknown tool. I have gone with the former for painting purposes and "solved" the problem by placing the figures against the guns in such a way the detail is hidden.

    1. Something I have done a few times over the years. In this scale can be all to easy to remove something important!

  7. How to know which are the Old H&R and the Old H&R?
    The Old should be too little compared to my previous Baccus&Adler's purchases, but probably match good with the New H&R...

    1. You would be fine mixing old and new H&R size wise including 2D6. But as you state too small compared to Baccus and Adler.

  8. Great review and comparison. Indeed super useful for us gamers buying from different sources. Thank you.
