
Friday 18 October 2019

On the Workbench: Completed Royalist Army for Glastonbury

The Royalist army under the command of Hopton has been completed for the Battle of Glastonbury:

Since the last update, Dragoons and command have been added.

Mounted Dragoons bottom right of the photo and dismounted along the middle. Now I have gone really small for the dismounted dragoon bases! Something of a trial run for how I will base the British firing lines in the Zulu project. They are 3 to a base measuring 15mm x 10mm depth. The idea behind this being the ability to line them up in a single rank behind a hedgerow, fence or defending walls. I would not recommend basing an entire army (unless small) in this way for 6mm but limited units such as this should be fine.

I am well underway now in painting the first Parliamentarian foot regiment which will be smaller in size to their Royalist counterparts. The Roundheads were outnumbered in this action so will be quicker to prepare. I have to confess I am rather looking forward to playing this period again, it has been far too long since my last game.  


  1. Lovely work Jon and they look superb en masse.

  2. Excellent work, Jon and you address an issue which has concerned me for a while. My WOSS infantry bases are 60x30 24 man but are unsuitable for manning redoubts and fortifications. I shall follow your lead with the dismounted dragoons. Thanks.

    1. Thanks Kevin. Some say too small and fiddly but I have never found this to be a problem although playing solo probably helps as no rush.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Jim. And an A4 box at that. Makes for easy storage.

  4. Jon, the A4 plastic boxes are great. I line mine with A4 Ferrosheet and attach a piece of flexible magnetic sheet under each base. As you say, easy and very secure storage and transportation.

    1. I also have the thin version which are ideal for figures without pikes or mounted e.g. WW2. Even more storage efficiency.

  5. Good morning Jon

    They really do look the part. The storage boxes are a great addition as well to a regular problem.



    1. Thanks Peter. I over engineered my previous wooden boxes where these proved to be a simple solution.

  6. Good morning Jon

    Who is the majority manufacturer of your 15mm Napoleonics if you mind me asking ? Also when are they are for auction on Ebay?
    Just me being inquisitive as I have some unpainted AB Miniatures possibly to move on.



    1. Hi Peter. Most of my 15mm Napoleonics were AB but they have all now been sold. Not an easy decision to make with AB being really superb figures.

  7. Hi Jon

    I have acquired some Heroics and Ros British infantry but they appear to be much smaller than my Baccus units would that be expected as the norm.



    1. Hi Peter. Yes H&R's older sculpts, which is everything apart from their WW2 and modern ranges, are the original 5mm whereas Baccus are probably closer to 7mm - 8mm. Their newer WW2 range figures are larger but still smaller than Baccus.
      All the best
