
Wednesday 11 September 2019

On the Workbench: Two Regiments of Royalist Horse

Completed today are two more regiments of Royalist Horse for the forthcoming ECW battle, the Battle of Glastonbury.

These are Sir Humphrey Bennet's Regt in the lead with Sir George Vaughan's Bluecoats in the rear. In reality they could be any Royalist Regt and with Bennet's Horse having no distinctive coat colour making it even more generic. In time I will paint up command stands with orange sashes enabling them to switch sides!

The trees in the background are the improved versions of cheapies from China. Aside from adding foliage to bases I am experimenting placing loose clump foliage around the wood perimeter. I will use a couple more different shades when placed on the tabletop to make it look a little more realistic. 

Followers of the blog will know that I prefer single based trees for the versatility that offers. The downside being that it will be extremely difficult if not impossible to replicate some of the impressive dense woods placed on some tabletop battlefields. Foliage is at its most dense around the outer perimeter of woodland and I am hoping to improve the appearance of my woods by replicating that. How far I go with it will depend on how much it affects play. The more terrain you add the more impressive the tabletop but can also be a hindrance to moving figures around.


  1. Another cracking unit Jon. There is always a trade off between terrain looking good and playability. Of late I've tended to go with the latter, but try and make it look as good as I can.

    1. Many thanks Steve. That is certainly an issue Steve. There will always be a balance to be struck.

  2. Looking good!
    Trees - we plumbed for a variety of styles from Tree Fellas - UK based. We shove these onto wooden textured tree bases and manage to achieve the density you're after I think. We have also considered the clumy foliage option but haven't needed to yet.
    Check out my blog via my profile, hope you like it.
    Best wishes,

    1. Thanks Jeremy. Your woods look good. I echo Peter's comment below about Tree Fellas. Could be useful as another source.

    2. Good morning Jon

      No link on the trees yet I'm sorry to say.



    3. Nope. Jeremy obviously missing the replies. Although my bulked out Chinese trees are looking pretty good so will maintain this process for now. If I manage to fine the Tree Fellas site I will post on here. Maybe an ebay retailer.

  3. Jeremy do you have a link to Tree Fellas please, struggling to find.

  4. They look amazing for 6 mm, Jon!
