
Tuesday 27 August 2019

On the Workbench: Prince Maurice's Horse & Lifeguards

More cavalry finished for the ECW Battle of Glastonbury:

These are Prince Maurice's Lifeguards in front with his Horse regiment behind. Probably not historically accurate but I have his lifeguards all in the Continental Pot with near identical horses. I felt his lifeguard should stand out from the rest with a more uniform appearance.

I have been trying out different camera techniques here (thanks Peter Little). I am finally discovering more of what my camera can do having owned it for several years! One of the issues I had with many photos was keeping the whole unit in focus. I have tried here Peter's suggestion of F8 in depth of field with the optimum shutter speed for the lighting conditions. More experimentation is needed. All the photos I took came out a little dark and I needed to lighten this one before posting. With any luck I will be able to eliminate the annoying glare some suffered from, particularly with light desert bases. 


  1. Another great looking unit Jon:)

  2. Excellent! The smaller the figure, the more difficult the photo but your photos look great.

    1. You are not kidding there Jonathan. Having photographed my 15mm figures for sale it reminds me how much easier it is than the tiddlers.

  3. Excellent, Jon. Looking forward to the battle of Glastonbury. I don't think I'm being unfair to suggest it is one of the less well-known actions of the ECW. Well, to me at least.

    1. I intend to start with several smaller actions before working up to Edgehill, Naseby etc. Glastonbury looks like it could be a fun action to play. The scenario book it is taken from has it as part of a small campaign which I will consider playing out for the future.

  4. Jon, you probably are aware of this site but it gives some useful info on the ECW in SW England. If it merely replicates sources you have then apologies.

    1. Never too many sources. Many thanks for the link Kevin. Did not have that one.

  5. Good evening Jon

    Firstly may I congratulate you on your painting it is very good.
    Secondly may I ask what model of camera you have.



  6. Jon, perhaps the most useful resource for UK battle scenarios is the Battlefields Trust at If you access the UK Battlefields Resource Centre you will see a menu. Select The Civil Wars. That takes you to a list of all the main campaigns of the wars. If you click on a campaign it takes you to the various individual actions and battles. Each of these contain an overview, a series of downloadable OS Maps and aerial photos of each battlefield. I copied every entry on the site and put them all on disc a few years back. Invaluable for scenarios.

    1. Many thanks for the info Kevin. Yes I am aware of that site and have used it occasionally. This reminds me though to check it again as it is some time since I have visited it. It certainly is useful as you say.

  7. Hi Jon

    Don't know if you listen to podcasts but a newish one has appeared about 6mm called "Gods Own Scale" well worth the time.



    1. Spookily enough I have just finished listening to the latest, the interview of Robert Dunlop on the Great War. Bob Point has done an excellent job with this creation and very professionally produced. Great to see a podcast dedicated to this scale. I have a link to his blog on the right. Bob contacted me over the past few days about appearing on the podcast which, if all goes according to plan, should be sometime this side of Xmas.

  8. Well I am looking forward to that. On the camera front you need to increase exposure by one third of a stop, if you are unsure of this come back to me and I will call you and run you through it.



    1. Thanks for your help Peter. Having been playing around with the exposure this pm and gradually getting the hang of it!

  9. A handsome outfit; I don't want to even begin to think about painting 6 mm, no less photographing them!

    1. Thanks Peter. You should give it a try sometime. You don't know what you are missing, Lol.
