
Saturday 20 July 2019

One the Workbench: 6mm WW2 for Op Nostalgia

This will be my final blog post before I go on hols from 22nd July to 9th August. I will be back to the Stone Age with no internet! I will therefore not be able to respond to any queries or comments until my return.

Today saw the last units completed before my break. This completes all the figures I need for my invasion of Rhodes game in the Op Nostalgia WW2 campaign. I do have some terrain to complete, particularly airfields.

This will be the German CO base which in this case is the Rommel set from H&R. This consists of Rommel, 1 officer and 2 motor cycles. The other 3 figures are various command figures from their new Africa Korps range. You can see here the difference between the old figures (Rommel etc) and the new. Size increased and definite improvement in quality. 

Continued -

8th Army CO Base. 

British late war CO base. The jeep has been temporarily borrowed from the US! These are old sculpts and there is only so much I can do with my limited artistic talent to improve their appearance. They will do as a stand-in until new figures are released by H&R. 

A US CO base. Again old sculpts but actually not bad. I am not familiar with the history of H&R's releases but I am guessing that these are more recent than their original circa 1970's range.

A British para sniper team. H&R do not provide sniper figures so a couple of prone riflemen have had to fill in. I have added extra foliage to single them out as snipers. 

A Luftwaffe infantry company. I had been waiting for new German late war figures to be released before completing this unit. I had bought a pack of German infantry a few months ago and on closer inspection, like the US figures, they appeared to be reasonably ok. I have added command figures to the central stand which will represent the company HQ.

That's it for now. On my return the ebay sales will restart. Next up will be the turn of my 15mm WW2 British late war figures and vehicles. I will update the blog should anybody be interested in purchasing them.

I shall be taking Cornelius Ryan's 'A Bridge Too Far' to read while I am away so no doubt will return fired up for some para action!


  1. Lovely command stands and the others aren't too shabby either. I hope the Ryan book inspires you to stage some Market-Garden action as it's the 75th anniversary this year. I have plans, but they are currently slipping somewhat...

    1. Thanks Steve. It would have been nice to have played it this year but not looking good. I am waiting for H&R to complete more updates on their figures to complete what I need. Replacing the odd command stand is no problem but do not particularly want to replace entire battalions.

  2. They’ve come out very nicely Jon. I think the US and German figures you’ve painted up for NW Europe are definitely pre-1995 as they’re in some of the first wargames mags I brought that year. Have a good holiday.


    1. Many thanks Richard. Thanks for the info ref H&R.

  3. Your desert CO base is my favorite in this batch. Great work! Enjoy your holiday.

  4. Have a good holiday, Jon. These bases are excellent and your painting of figures puts my own efforts into the shade.

    1. Many thanks Kevin. I am sure yours are better than you are making out. Thanks also for your active input, much appreciated.

  5. I agree, the command base is especially nice!

  6. Jon, I'm looking for an appropriate vehicle for my H&R Rommel base. I can't find a Sdkfz 250/5 in their range. Am I being pedantic here?

    1. A great idea if you can get hold of one. GHQ do one! There are plenty of photos of Rommel in cars in N.Africa so you may have to compromise unless GHQ prices are ok for you.

  7. Thanks, Jon. You were quite right that R used a variety of vehicles and I have decided to base him up with a couple of Kubelwagens! GHQ prices are decidedly not OK with me.
