
Thursday 18 July 2019

On the Workbench: Africa Korps, Brits and US.

In addition to trees, I completed various WW2 units primarily for the Op Nostalgia campaign -

This almost completes the Africa Korps units for the invasion of Rhodes. All 1/300 Heroics & Ros. While the figures are excellent some of their vehicles and ARV's can be a little hit-or-miss. More of this later.

Continued - 

2 x 6pdr Churchills. When painting up for the campaign I am giving consideration as to which theatre of the war will be their primary destination. So there will be a rather strange mix of NW Europe and N. Africa featuring in the Aegean. 

My very first US forces in 1/300 (6mm). These will form part of the Brigade HQ 

Coming back to the subject of H&R vehicle quality. On the left is a Crusader III from H&R newly painted for the campaign. On the right a Crusader I from GHQ. 

The top down view illustrates even more the difference in sizes and quality (GHQ being 1/285 scale). It is purely my personal view but I believe H&R missed a trick when updating their range. Their new figures are slightly larger than the figures they are replacing and in all probability places them in the 1/285 scale bracket. No doubt that this is partly the reason why they have been able to add more detail on the figure. This would have been an opportunity to do likewise to their vehicles. 

There may well be reasons why they have not done so but for us wargamers on the user end it is a little frustrating, especially when 2D6 have now weighed in with 1/285 vehicles of excellent quality. I would have been more than happy to pay an increase in price for the larger size. 

Baccus of course has, even more frustratingly, produced a new scale for WW2 to match their other historical ranges. i.e. not compatible with any of the other 6mm WW2 manufacturers. It would be fascinating to see what the actual scale is but I am guessing it is in the 1/230 - 1/250 area!

I would be interested to hear the views of others on this topic. 


  1. I used to play CWC in 6mm and bought H&R. Other club members bought some GHQ and though they are beautifully detailed, they were 3-4 x times the cost of H&R and in some cases the barrels were too delicate. I was more than happy with the 'basic' h&R detail as, when on the table, you couldn't tell one manufacturer from another.

    1. I definitely agree about the price Steve. Added to which you have to buy in packs of 5 which is rather annoying if you only need 2 or 3. My original plan was to buy all ARV's from GHQ with H&R covering everything else. With the excellent new figs from H&R I then decided it will be H&R all the way. With the arrival of 2D6 on the scene and a few not so good vehicles from H&R, I am dithering! I do like the H&R Shermans though.

  2. I agree, it would have been nice had they been able to remaster at least some of more common AFV’s as they’d be the most cost effective to do I’d have thought. It’s also a shame that there are now multiple different 6mm scales especially now Baccus have done their own thing. The low quality of some of the older castings is part of what’s ultimately caused me to give up on the scale and focus on other, bigger, scales.


    1. Yes it is frustrating and I would have hoped that they had learnt from the 15mm manufacturers whose figs could be anything from 15mm to almost 20mm.

  3. Jon, I've just completed a 6mm British army suitable for North Africa and Italy and face exactly the same dilemmas as you. For early war stuff paint schemes are not too problematic as many types were replaced for Tunisia, Sicily and Italy. These I've generally done in early war desert schemes. But Grants, Shermans, Churchills etc were more difficult and here I've simply compromised with a range of camo schemes which may mean some of my Churchills and Shermans invading Italy in their El Alamein garb.
    For manufacturers I've got a mix of H&R, GHQ, 2D6 and some I'm uncertain of. As I've completed Brits and AK I'm stuck with this mix for AFVs though I am replacing all my infantry with the new H&R lines (having said that their online shop has been closed for a while!). But for the Italians I have a dilemma. Will 2D6 bring these out anytime soon? Should I buy H&R despite the shortcomings of some types you mention? Or should I pay the rather extortionate prices for GHQ? Were I younger and starting from scratch I'd opt for 2D6 (assuming they bring out a comprehensive range) for all AFVs and H&R for all figures.

    1. That is the way I am gravitating and as you say, it will depend to a certain extent on how big 2D6's range will be and how long it take for them to release new models. With regard to H&R, I have an order outstanding and have received an email from Andy stating his wife is not well so he is temporarily closing the shop to allow him to catch up with existing orders. It may well be the time is approaching for Andy to consider getting help as I can see this company will grow from strength to strength given the improved quality of his figures in particular.

  4. Jon, thanks for the info on H&R. I hope Andy's wife is not too seriously ill. It's a situation I'm becoming all too familiar with. On a happier note I like your paint jobs; I've adopted a very similar scheme to yours' on my Crusaders. Your Churchills confirm that I have probably painted my Italian and NW Europe Brit AFVs a bit too dark. I see that you don't base your AFVs: I do but I'm not at all sure why.

    1. With regard to basing vehicles, I do not do this for pretty much the same reasons I go for small bases for figs. I like all my models to fit in rather than on terrain as much as possible. It is purely the 'look' of them especially when travelling along a road, even more so when in convoy. I acknowledge the downsides such as based figures are elevated when stood next to them and difficult, although not impossible, to attach labels if required.

  5. Jon, until I read your comment I'd forgotten why I base AFVs. Two reasons: firstly, it allows me to put a magnetic strip underneath so they are secure in the boxes and, secondly, as I have hundreds of vehicles and guns from several different armies I need to label them so I know what they are. I didn't phrase the painting point above very well. What I meant to say was that for my Brit AFVs in Italy and NW Europe I have generally gone with a 50/50 mix of Vallejo Russian Uniform and Olive Grey but I didn't take scale effect into account and I think they are a little too dark. Yours look better.

    1. And I forgot the obvious advantage of bases is as you have described, you can label the underside. I carefully mark their details on the model underside but not ideal. Good point about magnetic strips. The Brit AFV's I prime Army Painter Leather Brown, paint Vallejo 924 Russian Uniform, black wash, then 2 drybrushes, 924 then 924 mixed white. You have to go careful with the black wash, some of mine are a little dark. I tend to use it sparingly concentrating around shadow areas. The final drybrush lightens them up.
