
Monday 27 May 2019

On the Workbench: A late update

The real world severely intruded on my wargaming activities over the past 10 days which had not been planned! Over the last couple of days I have continued where I left off on the painting table. I also provisionally laid out the town/city of Grissburg to ascertain if I needed additional buildings or other terrain. Fortunately all was present and correct on the building front but more bases for said buildings were needed. 

So on to the present state of my workbench:

From left to right: 6mm WW2 vehicles & artillery crew; 2mm French Napoleonic Brigade base; a number of building bases for Grissburg; more river lengths 'upgraded'.

Most of the WW2 stuff is destined for my campaign battle, the landing on Rhodes. Some however, will feature in late war NW Europe. 

The bases have yet to be drybrushed and finished off with foliage etc. They are different colours for different purposes. e.g. industrial buildings base, stone bases, a central city square and bases for individual houses.

The river sections have been repainted and 'water' effect poured on (Woodland Scenics 'Water'). Trees have been attached leaving just foliage to be added.

Grissburg is tantalisingly close with just 3 or 4 more industrial bases to be completed. I had planned on giving Blitzkrieg Commander IV a try out but the events of the past week lead to its postponement. Therefore it looks like Grissburg will be next up on the tabletop. With 4,000 - 5,000 figures on the table it will satisfy my large battle itch for a while.


  1. I like the river sections, Jon. I bought a load of pre-painted plaster sections from an ebay seller and added some landscaping but hadn't thought to add trees, so I may pinch your idea there. To get a water effect I just used poured PVA which dries clear.

    1. Thanks Kevin. For the river sections, approximately 1 in 3 or 4 receive trees. A good idea regarding using PVA.

  2. Jon, I have little expertise in painting or landscaping and hesitate ever to suggest or advise but I quite like the PVA approach over a light blue base. By varying the thickness I can get patches of cloudy or white water which can be enhanced with scattered sand or small rocks.

    1. I am no expert Kevin and always appreciate other's tips and guidance. My larger rivers etched into my terrain tiles will have similar treatment in the future which will require a slightly different approach. I will be going for a more 'blue' look and may well try out your PVA method.

  3. I, for one, am looking forward to Grissburg, recognizing it will be a multui day project for sure!

    1. It's been a long time coming Peter and look forward to getting stuck in. Yes it will be a multi day game and I will almost certainly have to break it down to several blog postings as it progresses.

  4. Hi Jon Looking nice and tidy Jon.


