
Thursday 2 May 2019

On the Workbench: 6mm Africa Korps

My first 6mm Africa Korps unit has been completed. It is a Rapid Fire style battalion organisation although still short of its transport and support AT gun. This will form part of the defence of Rhodes in my WW2 campaign:

The battalion consists of an HQ company (1 base), 2 MG sections, an 81mm Mortar section and 3 rifle companies each of 3 bases. There is also a Forward Artillery Observer's base. Additionally I have completed an Italian 65/17 infantry gun base.

The Africa Korps have been painted as follows (Vallejo):
Green jackets, trousers & field cap - 924 Russian Uniform. Highlighted with a mix of 924 and white.
Faded tropical uniform jackets and trousers - 983 flat earth and highlighted with 983 mixed white
Tropical uniform jackets, trousers & field cap - 819 Iraqi Sand, Agrax Earthshade wash, highlighted 819.

Figures are the excellent new Heroics & Ros based on artist card. 20mm x 15mm for Rifle platoons, 15mm x 15mm for support sections and 20mm x 20mm HQ base. 

Although the figures are excellent, I was surprised to find no figures in helmets, they are all in field caps. It is not a big issue in this scale but would have been nice to be able to mix in a few for variation. 

These will be used with Blitzkrieg Commander IV rules. 


  1. Really good work, Jon! Hard to believe your two-person weapons' teams are 6mm.

    1. Many thanks Jonathan. Yep, really impressed with the new H&R stuff.

  2. Nice sculpts and lovely paint jobs. Bravo sir!

  3. Great painting and hard to believe they are 6mm. Looking forward to seeing your BKCIV game and your thoughts on the rules.

    1. Many thanks Steve. Will be interesting to see the differences from BKCII which seem to mainly revolve around recce but other tweaks too.

  4. Hi Jon, I am not a WW2 or WW1 fan for that matter but those 6mm look really good.



  5. Very nice. My copy of BKCIV arrived today. looking forward to your session hitting the table.

    1. Many thanks Norm. Hope to get a game on the table shortly.

  6. They came out extremely well, Jon!

  7. Really nice, Jon. Thanks for the pointer regarding the H&R figures. I have AK, Italian and Commonwealth armies in 6mm for NA and British, American, German and Russian for late-war Europe and while I am happy with the AFVs and artillery I want to replace many of my infantry units.

    1. They are certainly a big improvement on their old sculpts. I am still waiting for them to replace their late war Brits, US and German inf figures. As you will see from their site Paras etc have been done.

  8. So little and so beautiful...gorgeous!

  9. Those new H&R sculpts look great Jon. Hope they retool their Nap range as well as some of the moulds seem to be getting tired.

    1. Know what you mean Mike and would be great to see them working through their entire range. A huge task but we can only hope!
