
Friday 31 May 2019

New Entrant into the 6mm Market - 2D6 Wargaming

I was fascinated to see a new manufacturer enter the 6mm world. Or more precisely 1/285th scale. 2D6 Wargaming has released the first models in its WW2 range and very promising they looked too. I placed a small order for 3 Panther D's and 2 Jagdpanthers. They arrived this morning:

These really are superb sculpts with crisp well-defined detail. My models required almost no prep. They are certainly comparable to GHQ in quality and I am guessing will be the same size (I have no GHQ Panthers to make a direct comparison).

They are priced at £1.10 each, almost half the cost of GHQ in the UK with the additional benefit of being sold singly. 

Having made the decision to confine my new WW2 purchases to H&R in 1/300, this now presents a problem. I will acquire a Panther from H&R when I place my next order to compare the two. Lining them up against my PzIV's they appear, unsurpringly, larger than H&R but I am hoping there will not be too much difference. I have mixed GHQ AFV's with mostly H&R trucks in my Western Desert collection without any problems. 

Hopefully this will be the start of a growing successful range from 2D6 and cannot recommend them highly enough. They can be found here I have also added a link to the right in my blog.


  1. They are indeed very nice and are a particularly good advert for the scale.

    1. They are far removed from the early days of 5/6mm when tanks were a blob with a pin for a barrel!

  2. Get thee behind me, Jon! These look very nice but I have WW2 AFVs up to the ceiling and I'm not buying any more until I paint up the GHQ Western Desert Commonwealth pack. But I am tempted.

    1. It really does present a conundrum when having settled on H&R these come along!

    2. Yes, and typically, they offer a Deacon with 6lb portee which looks better than the ones I currently have for my Western Desert campaign. I will have to buy a few.

  3. The fates conspire. I Googled the Deacon and there was a beautiful pic of a model of the very one in Western Desert 3 colour camo with roundel ID insignia. So I ordered several and several of the ammo carrier. As I have no examples of the Bergepanther or the M10 I got a few of those too and then I thought I might as well get a few of the Panther D and Jagdpanther for comparison purposes! So much for my resolve!

    1. I too can feel more purchases coming along. I am hoping 2D6 fill in some gaps in H&R's range.

  4. With apologies to Jon for hogging this thread but just to say 2D6 posted my order only three hours after I placed it. And a note to anyone who might be as idiotic as me; when you order and then change the quantity you have to click the "Update" button. Doh! 2D6 are going to email me on all new items which is great but I can already feel the domestic disharmony looming.

    1. I see that they have the Panther Ausf A and G up on their website but no pics as yet. Definitely going to have to keep a close eye on 2D6 for future releases.

  5. Just to let you know I stock 2d6 miniatures. We will have them on the Scotia stand at shows.
    Cheers, Richard P

    1. Excellent. Thanks for the info Richard.

    2. Can you confirm if these will be added to the Scotia Webstore? Could not find them. Cheers, Jon

  6. My order arrived today and the sculpts are excellent. I will buy more. The gun barrels are robust, the chassis and turret detailing is very fine and the tank tracks are really well done with an appearance of flexibility. And, as Jon, pointed out, there is hardly any clean up needed.

    1. Great news. The more 6mm manufacturers the better especially with this quality.

    2. Agreed. It will be interesting to see what their production philosophy is: are they going to provide comprehensive ranges or focus on gaps in the market? The choice of the Bergepanther D and the Ersatz Panther M10 might suggest the latter?

    3. I hope they do cover gaps as it is frustrating to find what you are looking for does not exist in various ranges. WW2 is a big undertaking for any single company.

  7. That's very true, Jon. The quality of the 2D6 range so far is as good as anything I've seen and I was particularly glad to get the Deacon with the 6lb portee. The range so far is eclectic and I'm intrigued to see where they go. But I shall certainly buy more and I'm grateful to you for highlighting them.

    1. I have a feeling I shall be buying a few more also. Yes it is intriguing where they will go next.

  8. Having just ordered a couple of 5 packs of GHQ at almost £10 a pop it brings home what excellent value these 2Dd models are. But I'm 67 years old and tempus fugit so I can't wait too long! Btw, I had a look at the new H&R infantry packs and decided to jump in and replace my Western Desert infantry. Sometimes you just have to bite the bullet.

    1. I'm not far behind you Kevin at 62 and it tends to focus your mind on what is achievable in the time you have got left. Most of my Western Desert infantry are GHQ although any new stuff is H&R. Holding off replacing them for the present but that of course may change!

  9. I shall buy 2D6 as and when they appear but for now the bulk of my purchases will be H&R. GHQ are too pricey and come in packs of five. I saw a note that suggested the next models from 2D6 may be Italian which would be excellent from my perspective.

    1. Looks like that will mirror my own purchases for the same reasons.

  10. I'm a little disappointed with 2D6. Firstly, although I signed up to the newsletter (twice) they did not tell me about their new models which I stumbled across. Secondly, their selection is slightly odd. They have added a new version of the Panther but have as yet no PzIIIs or PzIVs. They have added some Soviet stuff but it's an odd mix of figures and the only AFVs are three versions of T34 suitable for 1941-2. I put a large order in to Andy at H&R instead and as there's no sign of any 2D6 Italians I shall put another in to Andy shortly.

    1. Sorry to hear that Kevin. You have done better than me though as a quick trawl of their website is not showing any new models.

  11. Jon, I'm always grumpy first thing! I was just disappointed because I had heard (from somewhere?) they were bringing out some Italian stuff. I'm up to the rafters in Panthers and T34s and can't justify any more. I'll buy the Italians from Andy. Here's the link for the 2D6 stuff.

    1. Excellent, thanks. I had another 2D6 site bookmarked which indicated the Italians for future release but no Soviets. Will now use the site details you provided.

  12. I changed my mind and ordered some each of the 1941 T34s and the new Panther A. My East Front, Normandy and Italy theatres comprise a mix of several makes but the North Africa stuff is virtually all H&R. By the way, I like Andy's (new?) German sdkfz-6 7.62cm "Diana". Just painted up four for the AK and I'm pleased.

    1. Thanks for the headsup on the "Diana" Kevin. Will bear in mind when I next place an order.

  13. The T34/76 Model 1941 and Panther Ausf A 1944 arrived from 2D6 and the sculpts are again first class with minimal if any cleanup needed, virtually flash free. The Panther A has a rippled Zimmerit coating on vertical surfaces and separate side-skirts which can be easily trimmed allowing you to customise each tank. At £1.10 these models are an absolute bargain. I just hope the company expand the range. I haven't yet bought any figures so can't comment on these.

    1. Many thanks for the update Kevin. I echo your views about extending their range which they certainly appear to be planning. I am delaying slightly more WW2 purchases while they expand and H&R continue with their updated sculpts while I continue with other projects. Looking good for the future of WW2 in 6mm.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Thank you all for the kind words. It really makes all the time, money and work spent on the miniatures worth it.

    As regards to the Italians, we are planning a complete WW2 range. It just takes time, months infact to go from research to a tin miniature. I estimate there is about 1000 vehicles, guns and tanks for WW2. We really are doing our best to make a serious dent within the restraints of time and money, of which we are devoting as much as we can!

    Thank you for your support, Expect a lot of soviets soon!

    1. Excellent news Rob. Your models really are superb. I am keeping an eye on your website for new releases. I appreciate WW2 is a huge range but have the feeling 6mm has a great future. With larger scales moving more and more towards skirmish level gaming it leaves a gap in the market for players of larger battles. And of course you can still skirmish in 6mm!

      All the best for the future.
