
Sunday 14 April 2019

On the Workdbench: 2mm Austrians and buildings

The 2mm buildings needed for my test game have now been completed along with 2 more Austrian brigade bases:

The buildings are by Brigade Models and are larger than Irregular Miniatures although they are more in scale with the figures. 

I based them on 80mm x 40mm, 40mm x 40mm and 40mm x 20mm mdf bases to provide for a modular style approach. They can be small hamlets up to a small town in size. 

At some stage in the future I will add more to the collection but this will do for now. As originally intended, the 2mm project will move to the background with a continual, but slow, production line under way to complete the figures required.

My attention now switches back to 6mm with an ECW foot regiment primed up. I will then be taking a close look at my WW2 requirements. The arrival of Blitzkrieg Commander IV has provided the spur to get another game on the table to try them out.


  1. Lovely work once again Jon:)

  2. Nice job on the various buildings/settlements!

  3. The hamlets look really good Jon.



  4. The buildings look top notch. It's interesting that we have some similar interests. I have 6mm for WOSS and for WW2 and also use the BC IV rules which appeared gratis last week from Pendragon, presumably because I had once bought the BC III rulebook. I had a couple of huge ECW armies in 10mm but sadly and stupidly sold the lot in despair at finding a decent ruleset. I have all the C&C board games for ancients, Napoleonic and AWI but prefer to play the ancients with my 28mm figures rather than the blocks. I think you said somewhere you preferred individual figure removal but I moved away from this because with hoplite and pike formations it was too "fiddly" and I seemed to spend an age fitting the figures back on the movement trays at the end of a game. My next project is to do Gettysburg in 2mm - I have the figures and buildings but have to finish my 6mm Blenheim stuff first.

    1. Looks like you have a good deal of work on there Kevin. On the figure removal front, with 6mm it is clearly impractical so I work off a roster and when the appropriate number of figures is lost (on average 6 for foot and 3 for Cav) I remove a stand. With 2mm I have relented and will be using either 'Blucher' or 'Grande Armee' rules. Same with BKCIV although I am tempted to have a crack at Rapid Fire for 6mm recording casualties in the same way on a roster. Gettysburg in 2mm sounds very interesting. I am still slowly working through my 2mm alongside other projects and will post an update soon on my blog with the completed Austrian force for my test game.

  5. In truth, Jon, I'm getting towards the end of the work. My 28mm ancients are done as are my WW2 6mm (with the exception of a GHQ Western Desert Allied pack) and I have completed 4 WW2 fleets in 1:4800, the Tumbling Dice Trafalgar pack, a load of WW2 1:600 aircraft and the bulk of my Baccus 6mm WOSS. If I can motivate myself I should be able to finish these in the next 3 months. Then it's the 2mm ACW which I'm hoping won't take too long!
    I have acquired several hundred board wargames but cannot bring myself to punch out the counters so I am looking to play some of these using miniatures.

    1. Sounds good Kevin. 2mm is quick to paint up (my bases take longer to complete than the figures!) so should not take too long for you. I have often used boardgames as a basis for a campaign and I have a couple earmarked for the future. One for WW2 N. Africa and another on the invasion of Malta and Crete. I did start one for the ACW but got bogged down so pretty much cancelled.
