
Wednesday 24 April 2019

On the Workbench: 6mm ECW Hopton's Bluecoats + more 2mm Austrians

My first English Civil War foot regiment has been completed. This is Hopton's Bluecoats with a 2:1 mix of Muskets to Pike. Figures are Baccus and the same basing method has been used as most of my 6mm of artists card 15mm x 15mm. 

The lighting annoyingly has changed the hew of the blue. The first photo is the most accurate. My limited photographic skills have failed to correct this unfortunately. 

Continued -

The last of the infantry bases have been completed for the Austrians in my 2mm Napoleonic project. Or in this case a mixed Jager and Chevauleger base. A Corps command base has also been completed.

This represents a brigade of 2,200. 


  1. Hats off to you sir! Though an ardent exponent of 6mm I just couldn't manage to make 2mm work for me. Your Austrians look splendid!

    1. Many thanks for your comment. 2mm not for everyone but interested to see how it will play out on the tabletop. Advantage is that it is cheap and quick to paint a fair sized army. Useful for those battles you always wanted to fight but unlikely you would have time to play them all.

  2. Excellent! Very small but jolly good.

  3. The look of the 6 mm regiment of Foote looks is effective.

  4. Agree with Gonsalvo that the 6mm is effective the 2mm is also to a certain extent. Looking back the 2mm hamlets, villages and towns work really well but I have not taken to the armies as much, at the same time I cannot pinpoint why.
    Still excellent work though Jon, as usual this blog is my go to.



    1. Thanks Peter. I can certainly see 2mm being an acquired taste. It is strange going straight from painting 2mm to 6mm. The latter seem huge in comparison and I have to remind myself I am not painting the sort of detail you would on 15mm or 28mm!

  5. Both units look great, but I especially like the effect you've achieved with the 2mm units.

    1. Many thanks Steve. Certainly a trial attempting to avoid overwhelming the figures and also making them stand out. The duller colours of the Jagers were a particular challenge.

  6. They've all come out nicely Jon. Do you find the small 15mm sq bases fiddly for the 6mm or does the ability to adopt realistic formations outway any fiddliness?


    1. I find they are ok but probably about as small as you would want to go. It is obviously less convenient than having the entire regt on one base and slower, but for me adopting formations and removing bases representing attrition trumps any downsides. And the biggy is that they sit 'in' terrain rather than 'on' it.

  7. Hi Jon Out of interest what reference did you use for the uniforms for this period ?

    1. Hi Peter. A mix of books and internet. On the book front I have an old "The English Civil War 1642-1651 An Illustrated Military History" by Philip Haythornthwaite, a couple of Osprey titles such as Soldiers of the English Civil War (2): Cavalry. To narrow down on particular units a good old Google search produces pretty decent results. Hopton's is obviously a famous one but many others tend to be guesswork at best. The scenario books I will be working through include guidance on coat colours where known.

  8. Thanks for the reply Jon, it does seem if you research this period that generally there is a lack of knowledge on uniforms as it seems many did not have them ? I need to read more about the ECW as it is one I know very little about shamefully.



    1. It is an interesting period with lots of scope for interesting scenarios.

  9. Your ECW regiment is splendid although it brings back unfortunate memories as I once sold off my entire 15mm ECW armies. I see the advantages of your basing method but in the end for my 6mm WOSS I put a battalion of infantry (24 figs) and a squadron of cavalry (9 figs) each on 60x30 bases. This seemed practical when dealing with 150-200 bases per side but your point about terrain is entirely valid and I have gabion and earthwork features, wooded terrain and building grounds and courtyards that won't easily accommodate a base.

    1. Many thanks Kevin. My ECW foot regiments may have slightly variable base sizes in order to maintain various musket/pike ratios. I anticipate some will be 8 to a base rather than 6 with a base size of 20mm x 15mm. I hope to avoid this as much as poss for the reasons you mention of inserting troops into terrain. My Napoleonics were originally based as you describe, 24 and 9.
