
Thursday 7 February 2019

On the Workbench: Train Tracks & Buildings Finished + Ebay listings

This phase of terrain construction and painting has finished with railway track and several buildings. 

The track was purchased from Irregular Miniatures. I cut several pieces to make different lengths and have kept several pieces unpainted should I need to add more of variable lengths in the future. There is enough here to cover 8' or 9' which seems more than enough but will quickly be used up if I have to construct goods yards etc.

The two buildings on the left will add to my ACW collection.The two on the right will form part of Grissburg in my Napoleonic campaign. Industrial suburbs need to be constructed and the 2nd building from the right will be one of several that will be included in that.

Continued -

As my 6mm collection expanded, in particular the terrain, space was becoming something of a luxury! I have decided to do something I have been putting off for several years, that of reducing my collection of 15mm figures, some of which have never been used in action. I am even considering going down the nuclear option of selling them all and just confining myself to 6mm and 10mm for AWI. 

I am beginning with figures that have never been used, that of my Ancient Assyrian collection. They were to be a 'killer' army in my DBM competition days over 20 years ago. They have never been used on the tabletop! I got part way through painting them before I gave up on competition games. I kept them with the intention of one day building their opponents but never go around to it. Terrain and pack animals and carts are also being sold.

If any of you are interested in buying any of these they are here:
You will find the other 3 listings when you click 'see other items'.

I have created an Ebay label for future sales and I will update my blog as and when more are added.

There are 4 listings in this batch:

A selection of painted chariots
The rest of the Assyrian army.
Pack horses, carts and 2 DBA camps/stores.

A scratchbuilt palisade and ditch.
Full details and additional photos are on each of the ebay listings. Feel free to ask any questions on my blog which will be quicker than ebay.


  1. I would of thought that 6mm gave the luxury of plenty of storage space, you must have huge collections! 😀

    The buildings are especially nice. Good luck on your eBaying.

    1. There is certainly scope for storing much more 6mm although terrain does still consume space. Yes there is rather a lot to get rid of!

  2. The train tracks look very good.

  3. Reducing the collection is painful.... which is why I have yet to confront it, and rather expand! :-)

    1. I am starting with the easiest stuff. It will get increasingly more difficult as I progress onto figures from my favourite periods.
