
Tuesday 12 February 2019

On the Workbench: 6mm Fallschirmjager, Tanks and Dugouts

Almost one battalion of Fallschirmjager completed in the Rapid Fire format. i.e. HQ company, 3 x Rifle companies and Support company. The Support company is missing the MG42 which will be in the next batch of figures to paint up.

Figures are Heriocs & Ros and once again they are great figures from their new moulds. These are destined for the tabletop in my Op Nostalgia campaign - the allied landing on Rhodes, and also the Op Market Garden project.

Continued -

I shall be progressing straight onto the next Op Compass game, a continuation of the Battle of the Camps - Tummar West. I was missing dugouts in the Nibeiwa game so I thought I would crack on and get a few made up for the next game. 

Also on the painting table are tanks and vehicles for Op Market Garden. All Heroics & Ros. These will form part of XXX Corps.


  1. Hi Jon

    How do you find the Heroics and Ros in terms of size compared to say Baccus.



    1. Hi Peter. They are noticeably smaller than Baccus. More true to 6mm rather than 7mm - 8mm for Baccus.

      All the best

  2. Didn't know heroics were redoing their range. Their ww2 figure range was one of their best in the mid eighties including the panzer grenadiers

    Very inspiring

    1. Not only that David they are introducing expanded ranges too. Aside from price and quality I also like the fact that you just buy what you need and don't end up with a stack full of spare figures.

  3. Hello Jon,
    I've been following your blog since Waterloo, quietly lol, but draw great inspiration from you, particularly the Op Nostalgia Campaign. On foot of your recent Operation Compass: Nibeiwa Camp game and your comments about BKCII I couldn't restrain myself any longer so took myself off to Wargames Vault for pdf version of it. I'm going through it at present and have to say it looks really good despite having sworn way back I was buying no more WWII rules ever lol ! I have large forces of original H&R WWII figs and vehicles going back to the early '80's and I'm trying not to be swayed by your comments regarding their new stuff......I don't need more. Anyway, I'm curious about something re. the Fallschirmjager Btn. you've nearly completed. You built it, you said, in Rapid Fire format, a set I really love btw, easy played, simple, old style wargamimg. Why RF format tho if playing BKCII ? Do you treat RF and BKCII organisations as identical/interchangable ?
    Great stuff and always inspirational

    1. Hi Karl. Many thanks for your comments, greatly appreciated.

      As you have probably gathered from my blog, I am in the same position regarding rules. It is not easy in maintaining discipline to not keep buying rules when there are so many on offer and they simply do not stop coming!

      I am a fan of Rapid Fire having played it many times over the years in 15mm, so have a soft spot for it. Even more so that it got its inspiration from those early WW2 rules that kickstarted my hobby. I may one day give it a go in 6mm.

      Translating Rapid Fire orbats to BKCII is very simple. If you take an infantry battalion as an example. One HQ BKC stand = RF HQ. I am adding 2" or 50mm mortars where appropriate with the stat line - Move 10, AT 1/30, AP 2/30, CA 2, Hits 4. The rules state these are accounted for but I would prefer to have them represented. Rifle companies typically translates to 3 stands each (for 8 man companies or 4 stands for 10 or 11). That conveniently works out at 1 stand per platoon. All other support elements, vehicles, artillery, armour etc. is 1 for 1.

      My next WW2 action, The Battle for Tummar West camp will be done at this level so you will see Rapid Fire organisations in action. The command elements works in the same way. A Brigade commander will be a CO, battalion = HQ. The rules have the option to have an HQ base as an actual fighting unit. This is where I use a tank battalion HQ as an actual tank as per RF. I have toyed with the idea of giving infantry company or tank squadron commanders a command of their own e.g. allowing them up to 1 command action limited to their own unit, and thus identifying a company in its own right. Not made a final decision on that yet.

      Hope that is of use and do let me know if you have any further queries.

    2. Thanks for posting this, especially as I can't find images of the new H&R German paras GR13 on the H&R website. You did an excellent job on painting the German Fallschirmjager. I have some of the older classic H&R German Fallschirmjager I started to paint but the project got sidelined some years ago but you have helped inspire me to finish them now. See Besides hopefully inspiring me to finish the paras I may also buy some of the newer H&R version of the German paras that look superior. Are the newer paras a bit larger?

    3. Many thanks for your kind comments. You have done a great job on your figures and particularly like the GHQ. Yes, the new H&R figures are slightly larger allowing for more detail. As you probably gathered I am very impressed and they are very similar in quality and style to the new 2D6 figures which I also recommend.

  4. Jon,
    Most enlightening and informative as always, many thanks.
    RF.....Shades of Op Warboard days.....simple, straightforward and bloody good FUN ! long gone, never forgotten.

  5. Sorry to comment on such an old post but those H&R allied vehicles look amazing - how were they painted? Drybrushing? Any wash? or mostly edge highlighted panels? Thanks in advance

    1. No problem Bob, and thanks for your kind comments. The vehicles were primed Army Painter Leather Brown, base coat Vallejo 924 Russian uniform, black wash, drybrush 924, drybrush 924 mixed white, finish with light drybrush of Vallejo 819 Iraqi sand.
