
Wednesday 30 January 2019

On the Workbench: Railways, buildings and German paras

I had intended winding up this terrain session with a few buildings. However, I got slightly distracted by several railway tracks I began painting for the next ACW battle and Gettysburg. I had previously painted up 3 sections as a trial but was not happy with the result. Not only that, I felt I was wasting time in painting such things as the rail sides a rusty brown leading to a rather long-winded method of getting them painted. 

I therefore trialled giving them a brushed white enamel primer followed by a thin wash of enamel black. A light drybrush of Valejo Medium Grey (a slightly muddy grey colour) pretty much completed them. I finished by carefully painting Coat d' Arms silver along the top of the rails. This was the result:

They have yet to be varnished but otherwise complete. Still not 100% happy but they will do and were quick to paint. Which is just as well given the fact that I have this lot to complete:

With a quick method of painting them sorted, I decided I may as well get them all painted up.

Continued -

I always struggle to motivate myself when it comes to painting buildings. And these are no exception. I will though aim to get them completed before I start on these:

An almost complete battalion of German Fallschirmjager by Heroics & Ros. I am faced with the conundrum of whether to paint them early or late war. I will probably go with the latter as they will be needed in my Op Market Garden project as well as the Op Nostalgia campaign. With the latter set in 1943 I will almost get away with it! 


  1. The buildings are looking great, they certainly have a lot of character, I do like resin buildings. With that ‘mileage’ of track, a production line process of painting is a must.

    1. I agree about resin buildings. It is quite satisfying when complete it is just getting to that point that for me is a bit of a pain. Yep, production line it will be for the track.

  2. Hi Jon

    The resin buildings do have a nice level of relief on them.



    1. Hi Peter. Yes it definitely helps with the painting. I am no natural artist and struggle with large plain surfaces!
      All the best

  3. Hi Jon

    I have probably asked this question before but what adhesive do you use to place the figures on the sticks.



    1. I just use a small dab of UHU glue. It is sufficient to hold them in place and easy enough to lever them off. Need to pick or file off any residual glue under the figure. Not a fan of the Blu-Tack method.

    2. I have been using Copydex of late. It sets like a latex / rubber, robust enough to hold the figures on the painting stick, but pretty easy to get off.

    3. Thanks for that Norm. Had not thought of that and will give it a try on the next batch of figs.

    4. I can confirm Copydex works better. Never would have thought of that. Thanks for that tip Norm.

  4. Those buildings should look great when they are finished!
