
Tuesday 18 December 2018

On the Workbench: 10mm AWI British Artillery & Hessian Jagers

The final units have been painted for 2018 consisting of Pendraken 10mm AWI British Artillery and Hessian Jagers:

British artillery consisting of a battery of 3 x 6pdr battalion guns and a battery of 3 x 6pdr guns. In the White Plains scenario one of these batteries will have to masquerade as 12pdrs.


12 x Hessian Jagers deployed on skirmisher bases.

This leaves just one battalion of Hessians, the Leib Battalion, to paint which is part complete. The first priority in the new year will be finish off that unit which will complete all units for 'White Plains'.


  1. More goodness, I am now starting to feel guilty about my ‘dead stop’ painting table :-)

    1. Oh dear. I have periods like that. End up with withdrawal symptoms!

  2. Your 10 mm AWI figures continue to impress. I look forward to White Plains - I have lived most of my life within an hour's drive or less of the site of the battle.

  3. Hi Jon have a good Xmas holiday.
