
Sunday 9 December 2018

Nap Campaign: Map Moves 23rd March - nightfall 24th March 1808

Nightfall 23rd March

Nightfall 24th March
Continued -

Taking a closer look at what is currently 3 theatres:

Nightfall 23rd March

Nightfall 24th March
Starting with the north west. Grouchy (blue 7) is continuing to pursue the routing Dutch/Hanoverian/Brunswick army of the Prince of Orange north. Milhaud with the 1st and 2nd Divisions (blue 8) had been pursuing the Prussians (green 5) but was diverted to support the thrust into Holland. Having learnt of Blucher's defeat, Grouchy took the gamble that Ziethen would not be a threat even if he did manage to rally his troops. They were last seen streaming towards Prussia.

Grouchy has received intelligence of Col Best's Hanoverians having received reinforcements. He has therefore dispatched D'Erlon with the 4th Division and 1st Cav Division (blue 6) to support Marcognet's 3rd Division (blue 13) in pushing north along the coast road. 

Col Best and his Hanoverians have now been placed under the command of Chasse with elements of the 3rd Netherlands Division (orange 2). With the Prince of Orange's force now streaming northwards they also move north to prevent themselves from being outflanked.

With French attention concentrated on pursuing the Dutch, Ziethen successfully rallies his 1st Corps (green 5) as they enter Prussia. They continue towards Blucher which is now their priority. The Dutch will just have to fend for themselves!

In the south west, Wellington (red 10) with his Anglo-Portuguese force move back into Spain. He learns of a large force moving to join Lobau and therefore decides that it would be wise to not stray too far from his possible escape route! 

The Spanish commander, Morillo, triumphantly marches his depleted army through his capital Brandenlea (grey 1). A decree is sent out for all Spanish men to report to their local army depots to capitalise on Morillo's heroic success in driving out the French. He ignores repeated messages from Wellington to reunite their forces.

Marshall Soult (blue 5) with the 4th Corps and 2nd Cav Corps moves to rendezvous with Lobau's 6th Corps (blue 10) to form the newly constituted Army of the South. He will then deliver a hammer blow to all opposing forces in the south west.

The situation in the North East. The second map represents dawn on the 24th March. Napoleon has signalled the assault on the Prussian capital, Grissburg, will commence. Reille (blue 3) with the 6th and 9th Divisions are to strike north driving out the Prussians from the industrial suburbs of Grissburg. With Vandamme (blue 9) approaching from the north it is Napoleon's intention to completely surround Grissburg before destroying Blucher's forces in their entirety and hopefully capturing Blucher in the process.

This will therefore be the next battle in the campaign involving over 4,000 figures. The biggest challenge will be creating Grissburg. I may have to shoe-horn in buildings from other periods but hopefully will not detract too much from what should be a Germanic large town. There will be a delay while I purchase and paint additional buildings and terrain. 

NEXT: The Battle of Grissburg


  1. Great stuff, the Battle of Grissburg sounds like it's going to be an epic encounter.
    Cheers, Richard P

    1. Thanks Richard. Should be a good one. It's going to take some planning!

  2. The stage is indeed set for a massive combat!

    1. Yep and looking forward to playing this one out.

  3. Hi Jon looking forward to the Battle of Grissburg.

  4. Hi Jon Apologies for more questions, but how do you generate your maps in these posts and where from?



    1. They are from an old campaign system called Warplan 5/5 produced in the 1970's. I scanned in the card maps and formed the larger map in a word doc. They occasionally appear on ebay although rarely and can be expensive.

