
Sunday 4 November 2018

On the Workbench: Preparation for Oporto

One of the benefits of being a 'wargame butterfly' is that hopping between projects keeps everything fresh. Or at least that's my theory! 

So with Operation Nostalgia on hold for now, my attention is drawn back to the Napoleonic projects. Most notably the Peninsular War. Next on my list of historical actions to fight is Oporto. 

I had the good fortune to visit Oporto earlier this year but unfortunately did not have time to visit the Seminary. It was a brief shore run from a cruise ship but nevertheless gave me an idea of the topography of the area.

Taken from the north side of the Douro. The circular building in the top middle of the photo is the monastery Serra do Pilar from where Wellington observed the French forces in Oporto. The Anglo-Portuguese army were positioned at the rear of the high ground out of view from the French. It would have been roughly in the area of the iron bridge that British troops crossed to assault Oporto later in the battle. 

I originally envisaged using my coastal cliff sections to represent the steep sides of the Douro but on seeing this (and looking at Google maps) felt they would be too dramatic for 6mm figures.

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I therefore turned to my 4" river sections as a solution. I could build up the banks using my 10mm home-made terrain tiles if necessary.

Work has begun on improving my 4" river tiles by adding detail to the banks. Here they are awaiting flocking to connect the grass areas with the textured river banks plus minor repairs. The gorge on the right will not be used in the battle and it is yet to see action anywhere. While it is nice to have terrain like this it is probably only going to be used in a fictional battlefield of my own creation.

I could do with more Spanish buildings but decided to make do with what I already possessed. I have nothing as grand as the Seminary so a church will have to stand in within a walled enclosure.

I like to add a little to my terrain collection each time I play a game that does not unduly delay the playing of it. Aside from the river tile spruce up, I am making bases for the construction of Oporto which will hopefully enhance the overall look.

I do not possess any 1/300 scale boats (Langton Miniatures produces some and they are on a future shopping list) so I have taken the opportunity to paint up a Baccus pontoon bridge. The pontoons will represent the wine barges. Not ideal but better than nothing.

As a reminder. If you would like details of my current projects and which battles are next up for playing, click on the 'My Collections and Projects' tab at the top of the page.


  1. Very interesting Jon.

    Regards Peter

  2. Hi Jon
    Also interesting to compare your 6mm scene for this to JJ's Wargame's in larger scale. He is / was using the "Over the Hills" ruleset I believe so comparison becomes even more intriguing.

    Regards Peter

    1. It was JJ's setup that gave me the idea of using my cliff coastal tiles. It was an impressive game and I see that in a replay he did not use the river sections. I decided to keep it though as the crossing of the Douro was an important factor in the battle.

      Yes it will be interesting to see how it compares. I am looking at various scenarios including JJ's together with accounts of the actual battle to generate my own version.

  3. Hi Jon

    Just noticed you mentioned that your polystyrene foam for your terrain was 40mm thick, would you mind letting me know where you obtain it from.



    1. Hi Peter. I bought it over 20 years ago from a company called 'Purbeck Terrain'. Unfortunately they have long since ceased trading. The hobby seems to be leaning more towards mats these days.
