
Wednesday 28 November 2018

On The Workbench: 10mm AWI Hessian Rall Grenadier Regiment

Another unit completed this week is a battalion of Hessian Rall Grenadiers in 10mm -

This is a complete pack of 30 figures supplied by Pendraken. Unlike my 6mm they are mounted on 20mm x 20mm mdf bases from Warbases. A couple have been based on single 10mm x 10mm bases which allows for extra flexibility in the orbats.

More 10mm AWI are currently working their way through the production line, all for the White Plains scenario which will be played in due course.


  1. Very crisp brushwork for 10s, Jon. The white reinforcements on the mitre really pop.

    1. Thanks Jonathan. Fortunately Pendraken make it easier with clearly defined detail.

  2. I agree with Jon. That's some clean painting!

  3. Do you paint from a black basecoat Jon? How do you get the colours to be so clear and vivid?

    1. It is a black basecoat Jim. It is the brighter colours that can be a problem, especially in this case the red. I gave them an initial coat of Vallejo Flat Red with a second coat of Val Scarlet. I do try and avoid having to paint more than one coat as at the end of the day, these are wargames figures and I want them on the table asap.

      I have experimented with lighter basecoats including white, which I occasionally use, but black tends to be my default option.

  4. Nice work Jon. I agree black basecoat is the better option, especially with the smaller scales.
