
Tuesday 4 September 2018

Operation Nostalgia: Arado Floatplane v Brit Submarine

This was always going to be a quick action and so it proved! Having scanned the rules I am using for this campaign I settled on Action Stations which provided for dice rolls for each weapon firing and thus a little more detail.

The Arado stats varied between GQ3 and those contained within Action Stations and Bag The Hun rules. Principally that in GQ3 the Arado is equipped with Depth Charges whereas the other two list it's ordnance as 2 x 110lb bombs. On checking my books and online there is no reference to depth charges so I am going with the other two. Which is unfortunate for the Germans in this action.

The Arado is also equipped with two front facing 20mm cannons and an LMG. There are also 2 rear LMG's which cannot be used for straffing.

HMS Triton has a 4" deck gun but no AA armaments. On to the action:

On seeing the Arado closing on them, the Triton immediately crash dives. It is clear though that the German plane will get in at least one attack. As it approaches the submerging submarine the Arado opens up with it's 20mm cannon and forward machine gun. Hits are scored but only superficial damage caused.

As the Arado passes overhead it drops both light bombs. They straddle the sub and one is dangerously close but neither hit.

By the time the Arado has circled preparatory to another straffing run the submarine had submerged. The Axis forces were now alerted to the fact that an enemy sub was operating within the Aegean.

That has to be the shortest AAR I will ever write not helped by the absence of AA weapons on the sub! Placed into the context of the campaign though it adds to the story of how it is developing.

NEXT: Map Moves


  1. What a neat little game, even if it was a bit short? You could try the shipping attack rules from Bag the Hun 2, which work well in my experience and are a little more in depth.

    1. I actually looked at those and agree I probably should have gone with them. Maybe next time!

    2. Excellent little action which just sets the scene for future actions no doubt.

  2. Once again, a thumbs up for campaigns producing a fine amuse bouche like this!
