
Friday 21 September 2018

On The Workbench: Fighters, Bombers and Transports

A big push on painting 1/600 WW2 aircraft brings the current painting project near the end with just Ju52's and a couple of Walrus Floatplanes left to complete.

The state of my increasingly messy workbench a couple of days ago before some of those planes were finished. Also in sight are various 1/3000 and 1/1200 ships that I have begun prepping ready for painting as soon as the aircraft are finished. The intention being to complete all the ships required for Operation Nostalgia.

Continued -

A squadron of Beaufighters in N.Africa camo scheme.

I was torn on which colour scheme to use on these Dakotas. Most of their action will be in NW Europe in 1944 hence I decided to go for green rather than sand. I began painting D Day stripes but could not make them neat enough to be presentable. They can be added in the future should I discover a technique of making them look good!

A squadron of 9 Heinkel 111 bombers. 

And a squadron of 9 Ju88's completes the German Bomber contingent.


  1. Splendid work. I particularly like those C-47's. Do you use a brush for the canopy frames?

    1. Many thanks Jim. Yes I use a fine brush with India Ink rather than paint.

  2. Jon, as tiny as these things are, the numbers needed (and done) and model / stand height, must be adding a bit to your storage limits.

    I know what you mean about D-Day stripes. I tried to get those painted white lines that go around Soviet tank turrets in 1944, they look quite rough on the tanks in real life, but my own efforts look too eye catchingly bad.

    1. Storage actually is not too bad. The models are attached with magnets and so far, the whole lot including stands fits into 3 x A4 plastic boxes.

  3. I used a 0.05 black drawing pen for invasion stripes and they look OK.

    Probably not neat enough for your standard of presentation though? (I'm a bit sloppy when it comes to painting)

    1. Those look fantastic Jim. I will look into the drawing pen as a possible solution. Have arrived at the age though where steady hands are a thing of the past!

      Try giving the India Ink a go on your canopies. I find when using a very fine brush it runs off better than paint.

  4. Planes, pkanes, planes! Your air forces are looking immense, Jon!

    1. Aha thanks Peter. I am arriving at the stage where its time to have a break from planes!
