
Sunday 5 August 2018

On The Workbench: Fleet Air Arm and Arados

Interspersed with playing a naval battle for 'Operation Nostalgia' I have continued painting up aircraft for that campaign. All are 1/600 from Tumbling Dice.

A full squadron of Swordfish have been completed. 4 are destined for HMS Biter and 8 for HMS Avenger, both are escort carriers.

6 Sea Hurricanes complete, 4 of which will be on the deck of HMS Biter.

And finally 3 Arado Ar 196 Floatplanes. These will be the eyes of the Axis forces in 'Operation Nostalgia'.

Until the next battle is identified in the campaign I intend to continue to make inroads into painting up the aircraft involved. Next up is a squadron of B-25 Mitchells and then the Italian Macchi 200 Saetta fighter.


  1. Wow, these look good. One feels that a sizeable air attck against an invasion fleet would look spectacular.

    1. Thanks Archduke Piccolo. Fingers crossed I hope it will look good.

  2. Nice work Jon. You just have to love those Arados. Curious to see how aircraft will be treated in your rules.

    1. Thanks Mike. For straight air to air combat I intend using Bag the Hun by Toofatlardies. For Air v Sea I will use GQ3 with some minor adjustments. e.g. GQ3 aircraft are flights rather than individual aircraft. Air v Ground units I have not fully decided on yet.
