
Friday 20 July 2018

Operation Nostalgia: More about the background and concepts.

This posting is in response to comments made by one of the administrators in the Naval Wargaming Facebook Group about the 'Battle of Kasos' naval battle and the campaign in general. It raises issues that may also have occurred to some readers of the blog. I was not prepared to enter into a protracted debate on Facebook - I have seen all too often how those turn out!

The criticism in many ways is perfectly valid. Firstly why are there German ships in the Aegean in 1943? It was pointed out that in the original articles in Wargames Illustrated an example was given of this being a group of vessels on a flag-waving exercise in mid 1939 that remained in the Med after war broke out. The point was then made that the T4 and T24 torpedo boats were not available in 1939. The Germans had captured Italian and French vessels, why not use them? I quote, "I have no problem with the basic premise of the campaign. I just think it would be more realistic to have used 'Italian' torpedo boats, which were taken over by the Germans."

There are two principle generators of my tabletop games. Recreations of historical encounters and campaigns. For the former I try to be as accurate as possible within the limitations of my available space, terrain and collections. For the latter, unless it is a specific historical campaign which I am seeking to play out (none currently underway) then I am none too vexed about the precise orders of battle, terrain etc.

Dealing specifically with 'Operation Nostalgia', it is a fictional campaign based around a proposed invasion of the Greek Islands in the Aegean. Like my other campaigns, I view this as a method of generating interesting actions on the tabletop each of which have consequences further down the line. I never intended it to be a 'what if' campaign. Although most of the forces involved have the sort of kit available in 1943, I have been a little wayward in selecting some of the ships, one or two of the minor vessels were not even built yet. I did this for no other reason that I had models of those ships and I wanted to include them. I am not particularly fussed about how the German ships got to the Aegean, they are there for my campaign!

Which brings me onto the reason for this posting on my blog. We have a small fascinating hobby and a few months ago I chose to do my bit in promoting it by broadcasting to the public how I wargame through this blog. For those new to the hobby, or for that matter those like me who are a little longer in the tooth, it might provide ideas for your own games. For some it may not appeal and others, like the Facebook Group admin, it may not be historically accurate enough for their taste. That's fine, but this is how I wargame and after 50 years I am not about to change any time soon.

My message to all those new to the hobby is do whatever you like to create your own fun game. If you want to send Type 45 destroyers into the Battle of Narvik and get fun out of doing it then great. The emphasis is on 'FUN' as Jay Arnold spells out at the end of each of his podcasts. I would never presume to pass judgement on anybody else's wargaming. To me the fact that you are wargaming gets a huge thumbs up.

I apologise if this comes across as something of a rant. Whilst none of us are above criticism, I have to confess at being a little miffed on this occasion!  


  1. Hi Jon,

    I saw those particular comments and would also have been a bit miffed if they'd been said about my own campaign. I for one have really enjoyed reading your blog posts and am following the campaign as it unfolds.


    1. Thanks Richard. I was sorely tempted to respond on the thread but decided to rein myself in. Any wargamers planning to submit posts onto that group may have second thoughts worrying about whether their own creations would be pulled apart. And that from Admin! Not exactly promoting the group.

    2. To be honest I nearly put a comment on in support but thought better of it. I like to do things historically if can but as long as there's a plausible back story (like your own) it doesn't have to matter too much.

    3. Thanks for the thought Richard but I think you were wise to hold back.

  2. Never allow a few pedants to spoil your (and your readers) enjoyment of your fictional campaign.

  3. I did not see the post in question (I don't belong to that group), but it's interesting in that I've seen this type of thing happen across a few groups lately. In one group a post was made of a newly-painted AWI unit, and before long someone had to post a criticism about the particular flag used for the unit and how inaccurate it is. Another criticized the accuracy of uniform colors.

    We play warGAMES. We are not in the process of forming a thesis for our doctorate. We are supposed to be having FUN. To put in ANY effort - and we all know that it is sometimes a long-haul process to get our miniatures painted and organized - without the key component of enjoying ourselves is the way to madness.

    I couldn't agree with your reaction more. Let's continue to have fun and not worry about the pedants out there. Enjoy!

    1. Could not agree more Greg. I genuinely admire any attempt at the hobby and especially if we want new blood coming through for the hobby to survive we should be offering nothing other than praise and encouragement.

  4. Jon, the irony behind these sort of episodes on the inter-web is you get a consumer taking a creator to task, when that creative person (someone like yourself) goes to a massive amount of effort to produce and share material freely. The episodes can sap the enjoyment of posting, especially against the background that you could choose not to share and actually get no hassle, but gain much more free gaming time, leaving the consumer less richly served. The whole thing strikes me as bizarre and something of an own goal.

    There are many enjoying and admiring your work and you just never know when you have pressed the right button for someone and they go off and do something through being inspired by you blog.

    I think it can help to stay away from the places that cause the most grief.

    1. Thanks Norm. Yes it had fleetingly crossed my mind as to 'why bother'. What surprised me was that it came from the Admin! It hardly promotes his group.

  5. Hi Jon,

    It is a real shame that you have been taken to task over this - at the end of the day it does not matter because one of the cornerstones of wargaming is ‘what if?’ As far as I am concerned if a wargame is historically accurate then fine, if ‘liberties’ have been taken in terms of what is where and when that is equally fine. Some of the greatest wargames I have ever fought would offend the purist but they have been FUN!

    Up to a point I can see where he is coming from but it really depends on what you want to do and so it is poor form to take someone to task over it.

    Keep on keeping on as your idea is a stocking one and it has been great fun to read about.

    All the best,


    1. Thanks for your supportive comments David and pleased that your are enjoying the campaign. I hate to think what some people would have made about my 'world war' when I was a youngster. I used all my Airfix figures in one giant battle which saw WW2 Germans battling Ancient Romans and Arabs, and my High Chaparral made a decent stand against Robin Hood! It was an absolute hoot!

  6. Unfortunately not the first time. Rant away mate I, along with many others, have been both interested and inspired by your amazing games and unerring enthusiasm for the hobby. Totally agree with Greg we are playing warGAMES. Anyway when are the aliens landing on Rhodes and does the mega shark attack the flotilla? As always looking forward to the next instalment.
    Richard P

    1. Thanks for your supportive comments Richard. Aliens! Now there's an idea.

  7. Jon, to add my twopenn'th, your blog and this camapign in particular are a joy to read. Rant on and let the pedants nit pick their way through life; they can enjoy their games their way and I'll continue to enjoy mine my way. Cheers, Chris.

    1. Thanks Chris. Pleased you are enjoying the campaign. All being well I should have the next map moves up later this evening.

  8. Hello Jon,
    Just found your blog from a post on Solo War-gaming. Love your stuff and am looking forward to reading more. I find it fascinating that people will nit pick all of others peoples stuff based on their preference. If they want to do it that way, then let them do it. It's your story, you write it how you think it should be! (As in your campaign) As long as you enjoy what you are doing, you do you! Keep up the great work!

    1. Many thanks Tiny and pleased you are enjoying the blog.
