
Saturday 28 July 2018

On the Workbench: Grumman Martlets

A squadron of 12 Grumman Martlets of the Fleet Air Arm have been completed in 1/600th scale. These aircraft from Tumbling Dice are a pleasure to paint and so much quicker than 1/300th. It also makes a nice break from painting figures.

Only 8 will be needed to fly off the deck of HMS Biter in my 'Operation Nostalgia' campaign but it seemed to make sense to complete an entire squadron.

On a different subject, the naval battle of Cyprus from the campaign began yesterday using GQ3 rules. I had decided on a scale of 1cm = 200yds which is an option in the rules but designed more for 1/6000th ships rather than the 1/3000 I use. The reason being that I felt it would be more suitable for my 6' x 3'9" table. 

Having played a few moves it soon became apparent that it was not going to work as well, particularly when it came to conducting turns. So today I bit the bullet and started again but using the recommended 1cm = 100yds scale. So far it would appear I need not have worried as it is playing fine on my table size.

I should have the AAR posted on the blog in 2 or 3 days.


  1. Those cockpits work surprisingly well at this scale and with contrast of colours used. Looking forward to the action.

    1. I am seriously impressed with the models I have received from Tumbling Dice. I am also looking forward to getting them in action. I have never played air warfare other than the abstract way it is handled in land or sea rules. So a first for me!

  2. I have a habit of completing full sized formations as well, it just makes more sense to have the models and hence the option of starting a game/campaign at full strength.

    Look forward to the naval AAR

    1. Thanks for you comment Richard. Aside from completing the entire squadron, they came 6 to a pack so nice not to have odd unpainted planes lying around. I have enough of that with hoards of odds and sods in figures!
