
Monday 9 July 2018

On The Workbench: Bag the Hun templates and yet more ships.

Too much heat than is  healthy for us damp cold Brits, my son's wedding and England football team doing something highly unusual in the World Cup has conspired to adversely affect my wargaming time!

I am getting back on track although the damn heat is still here! The most immediate need now is to prepare for the first battle in my 'Operation Nostalgia' campaign which is a coastal naval action. Involving a total of 7 MTB's and MGB's of the Royal Navy against 4 German Torpedo Boats (effectively destroyer escorts). I have them all in 1/3000th scale but it is too small an action to do it justice in this scale. I decided in the end that 1/1200th would be the best option.

Here are 3 of the 4 torpedo boats with, from the left, T24 (Hallmark), Albatross and Mowe (2 models from the 70's and in need of repainting). T4 together with the British MTB's and MGB's have been ordered from Magister Millitum. I will crack on a paint up these as soon as they arrive.

In the past week or so I have continued with other ships and game templates -

 Here Bag the Hun templates have been cut out and mdf bases glued together to match the templates. These have now been completed and should allow BtH to be played without the use of a hex mat.

Several ships finished including the light cruiser Arethusa in 1/3000 and 1/1200 scales. The latter is a ship I scratchbuilt in the '70's. I was interested to see how it would look repaired, repainted and based. It is ok but will never match present day models. It is unlikely it will see action in this scale but not impossible.

Ships in various stages of completion. The intention is to get ahead with completing as many ships and planes as possible meaning that I will have fewer to paint when actions occur. 


  1. I think your scratch built ship looks perfectly respectable, Jon!

    1. Thanks Peter. Considering it was my early days of wargaming and a spotty teenager, not too bad overall.
