
Wednesday 27 June 2018

On the Workbench: Op Nostalgia ships and planes make progress

The situation with Operation Nostalgia now has all axis forces deployed and work well under way on the the allies. More specifically, allied forces have been deployed to their ports and now orders are being prepared for embarkation of troops on their allotted transports. 

It looks as though the problem of combining Bag the Hun rules with non Hex boards has been resolved:

Templates from the Lardies Summer 2012 Special have been printed off and enlarged to allow for 30mm rather than 1" hexes. These will be cut out and mounted on mdf.

Continued -

A plethora of 1/3000th transports, LCT's, MTB's, MGB's, U-boats and a 1/1200th Italian torpedo boat nearing completion.

I was hoping to merely smarten up most of my painted 1/3000th ships but on closer inspection most will need rebasing. Part of the problem being I was rather generous on the base widths! 

Turning to the air:

The first squadron of hurricanes finished apart from decals for which I await a delivery from Doms Decals. I am impressed with these 1/600 aircraft from Tumbling Dice. They are nicely proportioned and far quicker to paint than 1/300 aircraft.

The 1/1200 scale light cruiser HMS Dauntless was completed this week. It may see action in the campaign (its smaller 1/3000th scale brethren certainly will). My current intention is to use 1/1200th scale for small fleet or large coastal actions but it will also depend on the availability of my vessels.

Two 1/3000th scale Narvik class German destroyers rounds off the week. A good deal of time has been spent on preparing Op Nostalgia along with making aircraft stands. I aim to have about 60 stands constructed which almost certainly be more than I will ever need but you never know!


  1. I am looking forward to the narrative on this one. The aircraft are impressive. I have seen them on the show stand at Tumbling Dice and he has a few all bunched up together to represent a flight, I had thought about getting his MiG Alley set, just for a dabble.

    1. Air warfare is new to me. One of those that I always intended to have a go at ever since I saw 'Battle of Britain' film in 1970! In a campaign setting such as this I reckon it will be fun and Bat the Hun rules seems to fit the bill.

  2. Really enjoying the way this is developing. I like the idea of using templates for the air warfare and will look to do similar for CY6 - though that will end up with a lot of templates. I wonder if just laminating them would be better than mounting on mdf. That way if the template overlaps another aircraft stand it could be simply slid under rather than moving the intervening a/c. Just a thought. How did you draw up the land ORBats? Straight from the BKC tables? Ta.

    1. You may well have a point there about laminating the templates. I did consider it but elected to go down this route to allow the aircraft stand to more easily abut the template. If it does present a problem, particularly when there are a significant number of aircraft, I may well reprint and laminate. The land orbats are drawn from the original scenario which was for Rapid Fire rules. I have expanded on them and then transferred to BKC format.

  3. That makes sense. I might try a loose set of mdf hexes and lay them out iaw the template for each move. Probably a bit of a faff but flexible. Will look up Rapid Fire as orbats are a constant confusion for me. Ta, Chris

  4. I especially like the planes!
