
Saturday 2 June 2018

On the Workbench: 6mm, ships and trees

I have been ploughing on with my WW2 Western Desert collection this week.

GHQ 6mm 8th Army figures on their way to completion. At the same time I decided to base up another batch of trees. These are some of a couple of hundred I purchased from China on ebay. I cut down the trunks on these particular trees to provide variety in heights. Some will be dipped in diluted green acrylic paint to provide a variety of shades. 

Continued -

Next up will be these Italians. Also GHQ.

A new delivery this week from Leven Miniatures. The buildings are for the forthcoming Market Garden game including a pumping station. On the left are 2 market stalls for the middle east. Looking further ahead to D'Day scenarios, I have purchased several fortifications. This is my first purchase from Leven and so far am impressed. Delivery was very quick and the buildings look good.

I have been prepping my old 1/1200 ships ready for painting with the intention that most will be used in my Operation Nostalgia campaign.

This Z1 Leberecht Maass, a Leberecht Maass class German destroyer. It has received a coat of grey prior to camo being applied. 

HMS Mohawk, a tribal class destroyer. This is an Airfix plastic waterline kit. It has quite a high freeboard which I intend to reduce when I apply filler to create the sea. The sea will be slightly rougher than on the other models to avoid an overly thick base.

HMS Arethusa, a light cruiser of the Arethusa class. I scratchbuilt this ship in the 70's out of balsa wood, pins for barrels, and odds and sods from other kits such as the catapult and crane. Most of my scratchbuilt ships have not stood the test of time well but the Arethusa only suffered a broken funnel which has now been glued back on. Proportionally it looks ok but is very basic compared to modern models. I will look at ways of adding more detail and it will play a role in the 'Operation Nostalgia' campaign if only for sentimental reasons.   

The Astore, an Italian Spica class Torpedo Boat 

HMS Dauntless, a 'D' class cruiser, has been cleaned up with fairly significant mould lines scraped away and filed down.

This is a Liberty ship which came with a large collection of wargame stuff I bought at a local auction a few years ago. Most of that I resold but fortunately kept this and another troop transport. Basic but will do the job. It was missing a couple of masts which I have replaced.

Completed this week:

British armour for Market Garden. This will be part of XXX Corps.

Italian armour (M11/39's and M13/40's) 

The British Matildas and trucks. This is my first attempt at the Caunter scheme camouflage. 

HMS Havock in 1/3000 and 1/1200 scale 

Z32, a German Narvik class destroyer.


  1. I really like the look of your Leven stuff. I saw them at a game show last year and their display case and catalogue is impressive.

    Your Chinese trees look a lot happier than mine did (they were bigger trees), which were shedding as they came out the bag and too much plastic armature was showing. I ended up dipping in a PVA solution that was dyed with green acrylic paint and while wet, throwing some fine flock on them. It was a messy job, with them hanging on a washing line for most of a day and protection on the ground while all the excess glue ran off.

    1. It will be interesting to see how the Leven buildings paint up. I will be on the case in a few weeks.

      I did get some shedding on my trees but by the sound of it not as bad as yours. Once finished I give them a spray of matt varnish which helps to keep everything in place. The worst bit was untangling the armatures without damaging them. One did come away completely! For the money though they are pretty good.

  2. Lots of interesting things in progress there, Jon!
