
Sunday 27 May 2018

WW2 in North Africa: Into the Gap Part 3

Turns 4 - 6

The Italian medium armour attack on the British A9's placed them directly in front of the 25pdrs and close enough to allow them to act on their own initiative. Both 25pdrs fired on the nearest M13/40 with bonuses for close range and firing into the flank of the tank. 6 hits were scored on none saved by the Italian tank so it was well and truly destroyed. It was also the command tank for the company.

Continued -

Also in the initiative phase, the Vickers light tank from the armour group took the opportunity to escape.

The final action for the British was the targeting of the closest M11/39 by the 2pdr anti-tank gun and an anti-tank rifle. They failed to knock out the tank but did succeed in suppressing it (bottom middle of photo).

In the Italian turn, the Bersaglieri motor cycle scout platoon hidden among the dunes, opened fire in their initiative phase on the British position to their front. A hit was scored on the anti-tank rifle section and another on the 2pdr, the latter being suppressed.

With just one successful command roll by the Italian infantry it was again left to the C/O to get things moving. 

Both companies are moved up near to the dunes where they are ordered to debus. They all clamber out of their trucks and begin organising themselves.

The Bersaglieri motorised company.
The conscript motorised infantry company.
The 25pdrs and surviving 11th Hussars await their next target.
In the next turn the British concentrated their infantry on the high ground, in particular the rocky terrain here that afforded them some cover.

One section joined the 40mm and anti-tank rifle section on the second position.

The Bersaglieri motor cycle platoon deployed in the dunes continue to pour fire at the 2pdr anti-tank gun suppressing it again.

The British fire from the high ground and suppress several units.

The Bersaglieri motorised company rushes forward with some taking advantage of cover in the dunes. 

The British are ready for them an open up pouring fire down into the advancing Bersaglieri. One section is destroyed and 2 suppressed. Using opportunity fire the Bersaglieri return fire including their Breda machine gun deployed in the dunes. They manage to suppress 2 sections but they are met by more 2 more  rounds of fire from the high ground. Two more sections are destroyed and the Breda comes under intensive and accurate fire leaving the crew dead.  

To the left of the Bersaglieri, the conscript motor infantry company do likewise and spread out towards the British position.

They now come under intensive fire from the 25pdrs and the 11th Hussars. One section is destroyed and 3 suppressed. 

The Italian motorised infantry company get their revenge. Having advanced closer to the 25pdr position, they open up with everything they could. The crews of both 25pdrs were killed by their guns and the dismounted light machine gun section of the 11th Hussars were also destroyed.

The last two armoured cars of the 11th Hussars and the FAO for the 25pdrs.

The Bersaglieri motor company and the motor cycle platoon again fired on the British among the rocks to their front but failed to have any impact. 

The Italian C/O failed his command roll for a second successive turn leaving both armour companies static. They will be sorely needed to support the advancing infantry who face a difficult task ahead without them.


  1. Very cinematic as textured terrain, well defined figures and excellent photography come together to tell the tale of the gap.

    1. “Cinematic” is spot on! Excellent photography of the 6mm forces.

  2. I concur with Norm:). Lovely painting of the vehicles as well and makes me want to do some desert gaming again!

    1. Thanks Steve. Wargaming the Western Desert does provide a nice change from other theatres. And of course it is almost summer and the sun's out!

  3. Outside my area of interest, but it looks great none the less!
