
Monday 21 May 2018

On the Workbench: Last of Terrain, Brit armour and more ships.

A quick update on the what is happening on the workbench. Over the past week I have concentrated on completing new terrain boards and upgrading my existing collection.

This is the final batch of existing terrain boards that I will upgrade for now. In due course I am aiming to improve the cliffs, rivers and road sections. For now though I need to get back to wargaming and painting figures. 

Continued -

With flock added and desert painted on the opposite side, these new terrain boards are complete. Tomorrow I intend to complete the final two large boards (18" x 18") which will see the new boards complete.

Left to right: Sherman Firefly, 2 x 75mm Shermans, M10 Achilles, 2 x Stuart light tanks
Bottom row: Humber scout car, Lloyd Carrier.
Several British tanks and vehicles now cleaned up and ready for priming. This is the first batch for the XXX Corps Breakout scenario.

Two more 1/1200 ships from the 70's. Here I will work on the Italian destroyer 'Luca Tarigo'. 

And the German destroyer Z32.


  1. Wow, Jon. Those new/upgraded boards are nothing less than stunning!

    1. Thanks Peter. I am pleased with the results so far. At some point I intend to work on the cliff sections, but that will probably be just repainting rather than anything too drastic.
