
Friday 11 May 2018

On the Workbench: Desert terrain update

Hills and rocky terrain pieces have now been completed for WW2 N. Africa/Colonial. Having had limited success with desert terrain in the past I am reasonably happy this time around but could still be better. Several of my terrain tiles have also been revamped in the same style. Here are the results:


To give you an idea of the size, the boards measure a total of 3' x 1'6".

Having complete the terrain pieces and then discovered these tucked away in a box:

Filler has been added to the rocky terain on the right and both will be given a make over. Work will also continue on the terrain tiles which I hope to have completed next week.


  1. They look great! Like the two you found tucked away.
    Cheers, Richard P

    1. Thanks Richard. I completely forgot that I had those two. Must be getting old!

  2. Good work on the desert mountains and hills.

  3. These are very attractive, Jon!

    1. Thanks Peter. Almost finished the desert terrain for the next WW2 battle today. Just a few finishing touches tomorrow morning. I will only know for sure if they work as I hope when the battlefield is set up and the forces deployed.
