
Monday 14 May 2018

Kingmaker Campaign: Map Moves

The Battle of Milford Haven was a serious loss to me. Half my nobles were destroyed in one battle. I had effectively become the Lancastrian force with Jack controlling 2 Yorkist royal pieces.

The next turn saw a partial reversal of fortune. Jack attacked London with the aim of capturing Henry of Lancaster. He failed in the attempt and crucially, Percy was killed. This was a major loss for Jack but still left him in a commanding position. 

I had Stanley disembarking in Preston and Greystoke now stranded in Wales. Pole and Howard were in the north.

As I tried to extricate Greystoke from Wales he was attacked in the area of Ludlow by the triumphant Buckingham and Worcester.

The intention was to play this out as a wargame but after further discussion with Jack we both felt it would be a pointless exercise. Greystoke's small force is so heavily outnumbered we would be playing out a short massacre. We therefore agreed that at our next meeting we would use the boardgame mechanism to resolve this battle. So the next posting for this campaign will be the result of that action and further map moves. 


  1. Most campaigns need to have a mechanism for resolving very small or grossly lopsided actions off the tabletop. Thankfully, the one included in the game is suitable to the task.

    1. I agree Peter. Yes it is fortunate the boardgame has a suitable process for resolving this action.
