
Friday 5 January 2018

Nap Campaign: Map Moves to Nightfall 10th March

The overall situation by nightfall 10th March 1808:

Great Britain:
Naval and land units converge on the embarkation ports for the two expeditionary forces. The Holland BEF is embarking in Pebbleharbour in 24B2. They will be heading for the main Dutch port of Garizia in 5A2 just off to the north east of the above map. The Portuguese BEF, some of whom are already at sea, embark at Bravport 20B8 (where the brown N2 tile is on the map). They have the rather longer cruise to Youngsport in Portugal.

Meanwhile at sea:
A French fleet has put to sea endangering the British shipping route to Portugal. The nearest British warships have been ordered to intercept them.

The entire Prussian 1st Corps has been assembled in northern Prussia and has been ordered to assist the Dutch/Belgians counter Grouchy's Army of the West. The Dutch/Belgians have been pushing the Prussians to provide help but Blucher had been reluctant until he knew more about the threat directly against his homeland. He was however, persuaded by the argument that if Grouchy defeated the Dutch/Belgians, it would be open for him to invade Prussia from the north. Better to combine with the Dutch/Belgians and their allies than try and deal with him alone.  Therefore, to the north of the map, green 5 and 8 represent the Prussian 1st Corps under the command of Ziethen crossing over the border into Holland.

To the south events were moving fast. The Prince of Orange (orange 1) refused to cede any further territory to the French and decided to make a stand at the village of Appleace. He had been advised to fall back and join forces with the Prussians but he would have none of it. Most of the Hanoverians were with him and the Duke of Brunswick was a few hours march away. Grouchy duly obliged and engaged the allies at dawn the following day.

With Losthin (green 4 to the west), the Nassauers (lt green 1) and Blucher's main force split (green 1 and 2) all routing it is not looking good for the Prussians. With the exception of the 14th Brigade (green 7) all remaining Prussian forces not engaged (green 3) are heading for the capital Grissburg (17A8) where Blucher hopes to rally his troops and make a stand against Napoleon.

Lobau's 6th Corps close in on the last of the Spanish forces. Morillo intends to combine his forces for a last stand. He still will not entertain the idea of requesting help from the Portuguese. Spanish pride dictates that it is only they that will save Spain from the invaders. As for the Portuguese, they are gazing out to sea waiting ever more anxiously for the arrival of British reinforcements.

NEXT - Grouchy attacks the allied forces in Holland/Belgium in The Battle of Appleace.

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