
Wednesday 17 January 2018

Kingmaker Campaign: Prelude to the Battle of Milford Haven

I have now completed painting the Wars of the Roses figures (6mm) for the first battle in the Kingmaker campaign, the Battle of Milford Haven. As soon as Jack (my son) is free the battle will be fought but in the meantime here are the forces involved:

Stafford Duke of Buckingham (Jack) with Hasting Earl of Worcester gathers the troops:

Buckingham's Battle (right), Worcester's Battle (left)

Meanwhile, Neville Earl of Warwick (me) with Nobles Clifford, Scrope and Cromwell march through Wales:

Warwick leads with his mounted men-at-arms in front.

Welsh Spearmen and Longbowmen followed by the Noble Clifford and his troops.


Clifford's Battle which includes Scottish archers.

Scrope follows Clifford in the line of march.

Cromwell's small command makes up the rear following Scrope's Saxon Pikemen


  1. Great collection! Hard to believe the figures are 6s.

    1. Thanks Jonathan. As you have probably gathered I am an enthusiastic convert to the scale.

  2. Prolific and a credit to the blogosphere:-)

    Really looking forward to seeing how this pans out as a project.

    1. Thanks Norm. Cannot guarantee that I will be able to keep up this pace all the time but I will do my best. I have played around with Kingmaker as a campaign on several occasions but never with 6mm. The larger scales tend to look like skirmishes so I am hoping that 6mm will more closely resemble battles of the period.

  3. Your 6mm figures look great - I'd have guessed they were 10 mm at the very least.
    Are you using the Cards etc from the game or just the map, or some hybrid thereof?

    1. We are playing the game pretty much as in the box but battles are played out on the tabletop rather than as per the boardgame. The loser of any battle uses the results as in the game i.e. may lose cards. Most sieges will be fought out in the boardgame but I am tempted to try some on the tabletop if practicable.

    2. Do you have a formula(e) for translating the strength points of the cards into tabletop forces?
      How about the terrain>?

  4. The strength points on the card are converted to the points system in a rules set. In this instance I am using the 'War and Conquest' rules to generate army lists. So one point on the card = 50 points in the rules army list generator. I have worked out army lists for each noble, office etc. and keeping as close as possible to historical orbats. e.g. The Northern Border Staves, Bowmen and so on will be allocated to Percy, Earl of Northumberland.

    I have been chewing over terrain generation and looked at a number of rulesets to achieve that but not really happy with any as yet. For the first battle I will set the board up myself with something loosely similar to the sort of terrain that exists in the vicinity of Milford Haven. As Jack is defending he will choose which side of the table he wishes to deploy. For the future I may continue to tinker with terrain generation systems.

  5. That looks great! I have 6mm ACW and NAP based the identical way. I am tempted to invest in some new 6mm figures after seeing this.

    1. Thanks for your comments A.P. A few years ago I rebased all my figures that were on large single unit bases and I have never looked back.

  6. This really looks the business and, together with other WOTR posts, has inspired me to start planning a similar 6mm army (amongst many other things !). Can I just ask where you get the banners / flags from ? They are excellent (very bright, which is perfect for 6mm). Thank you.

    1. Many thanks for your comment. The flags came from Baccus
