
Tuesday 26 December 2017

Plans for 2018

With 2017 coming to a close, it is now time to look at what I intend to do in 2018. 'Intention' of course is not necessarily what I achieve and it will be interesting to see at the end of next year precisely what I have completed! I will break it down into 'Battles', 'Campaigns' and 'Painting'.



Waterloo - This is a project I started in late 2009 with the aim of refighting this battle in 6mm at a scale of 1:20. To date over 12,000 Napoleonic figures have been painted of which around 9,000 will be used for the battle. It is by far the largest battle that I will have ever played which will be solo and using General de Brigade rules with some modifications. It will not be quick! All buildings have now been acquired and painted. I will be doing a stock check in the new year to ensure I have enough hedge and hill sections anticipating a few more may be needed. All being well I hope to game this within the next 3 - 4 months.              COMPLETED

Oporto - The next battle in my Peninsular War project. All figures have been acquired. Terrain needs to be completed.


Gettysburg - Day 2 scenario from the original Fire & Fury book. i.e. the entire battlefield, using approximately 4,000 6mm figures. This will be brigade level using the F&F orbats from the book. It will be a straight forward conversion for Guns at Gettysburg rules with my own amendments including units representing brigades rather than battalions. Figures are almost complete but I have some work to do on terrain before this will be ready. Target will be the autumn for the refight.

Big Bethel - from Regimental Fire & Fury scenario book

McDowell - Scenario 3 in the Guns at Gettysburg, Stonewall Jackson scenario book.


Having fought the first battles of the North Africa campaign in 1940, I now move on to Operation Compass actions. Using Blitzkrieg Commander 3 rules:

Into the Gap 19th Nov 1940
Nibeiwa 9th Dec 1940
Matkila 11th Dec 1940

Op Market Garden - This will depend on the schedule release of the new sculps from Heroics and Ros. Into the Woods from the Rapid Fire Scenario book will be the first to play all being well.


Warplan 5/5 campaign to continue.

Wars of the Roses:
Kingmaker campaign to begin with first battle planned late January.

This is a campaign in 15mm I started 8 or 9 years ago but with very little progress. It was set in a fictional Sudan but I intend to have a fresh look at this. I have a sizeable lead pile in 15mm as well as several Nile steamers yet to be constructed. This year I completed rebasing my existing figures and acquired a number of movement trays from Warbases. If I have time, and its probably a big 'if', I may restart this on a completely fictional map. The Sword and the Flame rules has been, and will continue to be used.


I average approx 3,000 x 6mm figures per year painted + a handful in other scales (10mm & 15mm). With that in mind:

ACW 6mm - complete for Gettysburg. Approx 300 figures left to paint.      COMPLETED

Wars of the Roses 6mm - Paint sufficient for Kingmaker. 500 painted, approx 1,500 to paint.

Napoleonic 6mm - Continue painting for Peninsular war. Spanish, Portuguese, some French and British units and French allies. Approx 500 figures needed for 2018.

WW2 6mm - Paint British paras currently on order from H&R. Approx 150 figs. Similar number of Germans should they become available together with associated vehicles.   

Terrain to be completed for Waterloo, Oporto and Gettysburg. Additional terrain to be completed for Napoleonic campaign particularly rocky terrain.

Waterloo      COMPLETED


  1. Crikey! and I thought I was going to be busy. Some very interesting and exciting projects ahead. I look forward to seeing and reading all about them.

    1. It will certainly be interesting to see at the end of the year what I do achieve! I do have to crack on with Waterloo this year as it is 2 years overdue! Originally hoped to play it on the 200th anniversary.

  2. Some ambitious projects there (Waterloo), but how fine to see that on the table.

    Your 3000 figures per year is prolific, which is good for me, because the Wars of the Roses thing could happen soon :-)

    Anyway that is a great agenda, 2018 look good. I'm glad you have jacked up your blog again, I think the smaller scales do need the sort of help that can come from energetic gamers such as yourself, if they are to be heard over all of the 28mm din! Best wishes for next year.

    1. Many thanks Norm. Best wishes for the new year to you too. I completely agree with you about 28mm and the near saturation coverage. Been there, done that and I know what I prefer. With H&R now producing some very interesting sculps in WW2 and the Baccus range continually expanding lets hope that it is onwards and upwards for 6mm.

  3. A very ambitious and broad scope planned for 2018.
    While I cannot agree with you re: 6 mm figures, who cares anyway? We each do what we enjoy in our eccentric hobby, and... vive la différence!

    1. Thanks for your input and support Peter, it is very much appreciated. Yes it will be interesting to see how much of this is achieved by the end of the year.

  4. 2018 will be a busy one for you on the hobby front and an interesting one for your Followers.

    1. Thanks Jonathan. Yes it will be a busy one and hopefully an entertaining year for my followers.
