
Saturday 16 December 2017

Nap Campaign: Map Moves to Nightfall 9th March

Although there was no action on the 9th March, the scene was set for 3 battles commencing dawn on the 10th March with rival armies camped out opposite each other.

The overall situation at nightfall on 9th March:

At sea the British fleets transporting 2 expeditionary forces make steady progress. Barring any mishaps the initial units should land in Portugal within 2 or 3 days.

Grouchy's advance into Holland/Belgium:

Quiot (blue 12) moves his forces to catch up with Grouchy (blue 11) as he approaches a Dutch/Hanoverian force that is steadily building in his route of advance. Marcognet (blue 13) continues to follow Col Best's retreat north along the coast road. The Prussian General, Von Losthin (green 4), is not giving up easily.

Losthin halts his force with the intention of defending a succession of river crossings. He intends for the French to pay dearly for every Prussian inch of ground. Bachelu (blue 6) is joined by a brigade from 1st Corps (blue 15) and he contemplates the action that is to follow the next day. The Prussian threat to Grouchy's flank has clearly not yet been neutralised and he hopes that this will finally be resolved in what is to become The Battle of Glade.

The situation on the Prussian and Nassau fronts:

Blucher (green 1 and 2) decides the time is ripe to evict Napoleon and his forces. As dawn breaks on the 10th March both armies begin to form up for what will be the Battle of Ainsworth. 

In Nassau, Saxe-Weimar (light green 1) makes ready to defend a river crossing as Foy (blue 8) with the 9th Division readies his men for what will become the Battle of Lake Francis.


Morillo (grey 1) seeks to unify his forces for a final defence of Spain. 

NEXT: Blucher v Napoleon - The Battle of Ainsworth