
Saturday 2 December 2017

Nap Campaign: Map Moves 7th March 1808

The first thing to note about the maps are that the numbers listed in the movement tiles are now the numbers of figures rather than the number of men. Here is the overall situation by the end of the day 7th March 1808:

A closer look at the situation within the three theatres of operation starting with Prussia:

Napoleon continues his advance into Prussia with his Guards and the bulk of the 2nd Corps. On his right flank, Foy's 9th Division (8) advances into Nassau. Both Prussian and Nassau forces continue to fall back in the face of the advancing French.

In the South West, Lobau continues to build his forces. As the two Portuguese prizes are towed towards a French shipyard (N1), the two ships of the line patrol north along the Portuguese coast (N2). The Portuguese sloop, Real Fonza, shadows them (brown N1).

Meanwhile, on the Holland/Hanover border, the French cross into Holland. Grouchy is reluctant to advance too far until his flank is secure. On his left  Marcognet, whose orders are to continue along the Dutch/Belgian coast, have once again been met by Col Best and his Hanover Landwehr. This time reinforced by a small Dutch/Belgian detachment. They are occupying the hilltop village of High Otway directly in the path of the advancing French. Marcognet wastes no time and at 1300 hours orders the attack.

Elsewhere the British continue with their operation to transport the two expeditionary forces. The Duke of Brunswick agrees to requests for assistance by the Dutch and takes over half his army towards the Dutch/Belgian border with himself in command.

Next: The Battle of High Otway in 15mm  


  1. I appreciate all the work writing these posts up!

  2. Thanks Gonsalvo. It's actually enjoyable going over my back catalogue of stuff. Going over the campaign again is a useful reminder of how I got to the current position. There will be of course, the point where I am up to date then things will slow down lol
