
Monday 20 November 2017

Current and Future Projects

A brief look at planned battles I intend to post on the blog together with current projects. Within a couple of days I will have completed a rather less than enjoyable period of decorating the house! On a positive note though I am reorganising my wargames room which should enable me to extend the maximum wargames surface to 7'6" x 4'6" from the old 6'9" x 4'6" (my terrain boards are 9" squares). And then on to the following:


The big project of fighting Waterloo using over 9,000 6mm figures is almost complete apart from the odd terrain piece. I hope to do this fairly early in the new year and the results will be posted on my blog. As it will be fought over several weeks I plan to provide updates as the game progresses.

The battles of the Peninsular War from 1808 are also planned, and I hope to include the battles Spain fought as my Spanish forces grow in size. Most, if not all, will be in 6mm although I have a fair sized 15mm collection which may see some action for the smaller battles. Rolica, Vimeiro and Corunna have been fought with the latter posted on the blog. Rolica and Vimeiro were played a couple of years ago and my terrain collection has grown since then. Additionally I now have daylight bulbs installed in the wargames room which makes for clearer photography. I will post them as soon as I have time for completeness. The next battle to be fought will be Oporto.

A very large campaign, also fought solo, has been underway for the last couple of years. This involves my entire collection of over 12,000 figures on a fictional map created by 'Warplan 5/5'. I acquired this in the 1970's and is my go-to set for any compaigns in the Horse and Musket period. Presently I have no intention of posting this purely because of the time involved but I will review this in due course.


I intend to work through the scenarios contained in the Fire and Fury and Guns at Gettysburg scenario books. Cedar Mountain and Kernstown have been played and will be added to the blog soon. Next up will be Big Bethel and then McDowell. The big project will be to fight Gettysburg from day 2 at Brigade level as detailed in the original Fire and Fury rules book. It will involve close to 4,000 6mm figures which are close to completion. I currently plan to fight this later next year.


Again in 6mm I have been fighting the early war in North Africa from the earliest skirmishes between the Italians and 8th Army. I have been using Blitzkrieg Commander 2 rules and there is currently a hiatus as I await the amended BC3 rules from Pendragon. The actions so far, including 1st Battle for Solum will be posted. Operation Compass actions are scheduled to be played.

Wars of the Roses

I have just begun a campaign with my son, Jack, using the 'Kingmaker' boardgame. I have dusted off my old 15mm figures for the first battle but they will be replaced by 6mm figures as soon as I get them painted. A lead pile has arrived from Baccus and is awaiting my attention! Details will be on the blog soon.

Like most wargamers, I have far too many plans and interests that are healthy. I have figures and plans for 6mm ancients, 6mm and 15mm ECW, 10mm AWI, 1/3000th WW2 naval etc etc.


  1. Lots to look forward to, never enough periods in my view, if you get stale, you can move on and return again the the urge returns, which it always does.

  2. I agree Diomede. Just got to be careful not to go totally mental and start dozens of different periods which I could easily do, lol.
